Wash. Rev. Code § 52.20.020
If the petition is found insufficient or if the district board determines that a local improvement district is not feasible or is of no special benefit to the lands concerned, it shall dismiss the petition. If the district board approves the petition or adopts a resolution of intention to order an improvement, it shall fix a date, hour, and place for hearing the matter and shall (1) mail notice of the hearing at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of each lot, tract, or parcel of land within the proposed local improvement district as shown on the tax rolls of the county treasurer at the address shown thereon, and (2) publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, for three consecutive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. The cost of publication shall be paid by the fire protection district. The notices shall describe the boundaries of the proposed local improvement district and the plan of fire or emergency medical protection proposed, or may refer to the resolution of intention describing the nature and territorial extent of the proposed improvement. The notices shall state the means by which the cost shall be financed, shall state the date, hour, and place of the hearing on the petition and shall be signed by the secretary of the fire protection district. In addition, the notice given each owner or reputed owner by mail shall state the estimated cost and expense of the improvement to be borne by the particular lot, tract, or parcel.
RCW 52.20.020
Severability-Construction-1975 1st ex.s. c 130: See note following RCW 52.16.070.