Section 49.04.065 - Decisions of apprenticeship council-Appeal to director of labor and industries-Judicial appeal(1) Any decision of the apprenticeship council affecting registration and oversight of apprenticeship programs and agreements for federal purposes may be appealed to the director of labor and industries by filing a notice of appeal with the director within thirty days of the apprenticeship council's written decision. Any decision of the council affecting registration and oversight of apprenticeship programs and agreements for federal purposes not appealed within thirty days is final and binding, and not subject to further appeal.(2) Upon receipt of a notice of appeal, the director or designee shall review the record created by the council and shall issue a written determination including his or her findings. A judicial appeal from the director's determination may be taken in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW.(3) Orders that are not appealed within the time period specified in this section and chapter 34.05 RCW are final and binding, and not subject to further appeal.