Wash. Rev. Code § 48.43.049
RCW 48.43.049
Intent-2006 c 104: "Health carriers are currently required to file statutory annual statements with the office of the insurance commissioner or the national association of insurance commissioners. These annual statements are extensive and contain a significant amount of financial information. These annual statements are public documents; however, such financial information can be complex and difficult to read and understand.
It is the intent of this act to provide a method of reporting certain financial data in a user-friendly format. It is also the intent of this act, to the extent possible, to utilize existing information from the annual statements when developing the additional or supplemental data statement required by this act, and to the extent possible, avoid imposing additional reporting requirements that have the unintended consequences of unduly increasing administrative costs for carriers required to file such information." [ 2006 c 104 s 1.]