- Section 48.31B.005 - Definitions
- Section 48.31B.010 - Domestic insurer may acquire subsidiaries-Authorized investments-Insurer ceases to control subsidiary-Disposal of investment
- Section 48.31B.015 - Control of insurer-Acquisition, merger, or exchange-Preacquisition notification-Divestment of controlling interest-Jurisdiction of courts
- Section 48.31B.020 - Acquisition of insurer-Change in control-Definitions-Exemptions-Competition-Preacquisition notification-Violations-Penalties
- Section 48.31B.025 - Registration with commissioner-Information required-Rule making-Disclaimer of affiliation-Filings
- Section 48.31B.030 - Insurer subject to registration-Standards for transactions within a holding company system-Extraordinary dividends or distributions-Insurer's surplus-Officers and directors
- Section 48.31B.035 - Examination of insurers-Commissioner may order production of information-Failure to comply-Costs of examination
- Section 48.31B.036 - Internationally active insurance groups-Group-wide supervision-Commissioner's authority and duties-Costs
- Section 48.31B.037 - Commissioner may participate in a supervisory college-Purposes-Costs
- Section 48.31B.038 - Confidentiality of certain documents, materials, or other information-Permitted uses
- Section 48.31B.040 - Rule making
- Section 48.31B.045 - Violations of chapter-Commissioner may seek superior court order
- Section 48.31B.050 - Violations of chapter-Fines-Civil forfeitures-Orders-Referral to prosecuting attorney-Imprisonment-Orders of supervision
- Section 48.31B.055 - Violations of chapter-Impairment of financial condition-Commissioner may take possession
- Section 48.31B.060 - Order for liquidation or rehabilitation-Recovery of distributions or payments-Personal liability-Maximum amount recoverable
- Section 48.31B.065 - Violations of chapter-Contrary to interests of policyholders or the public-Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of license
- Section 48.31B.070 - Person aggrieved by actions of commissioner
- Section 48.31B.900 - Short title
- Section 48.31B.901 - Severability-1993 c 462
- Section 48.31B.902 - Implementation-1993 c 462