Wash. Rev. Code § 42.24.180
In order to expedite the payment of claims, the legislative body of any *taxing district, as defined in RCW 43.09.260, may authorize the issuance of warrants or checks in payment of claims after the provisions of this chapter have been met and after the officer designated by statute, or, in the absence of statute, an appropriate charter provision, ordinance, or resolution of the *taxing district, has signed the checks or warrants, but before the legislative body has acted to approve the claims. The legislative body may stipulate that certain kinds or amounts of claims shall not be paid before the board has reviewed the supporting documentation and approved the issue of checks or warrants in payment of those claims. However, all of the following conditions shall be met before the payment:
RCW 42.24.180
*Reviser's note: "Taxing district" redesignated "local government" by 1995 c 301 s 15.