- Section 41.35.400 - Computation of retirement allowance
- Section 41.35.410 - Lump sum retirement allowance-Reentry-Reinstatement of service
- Section 41.35.420 - Retirement eligibility
- Section 41.35.423 - Member with terminal illness-Removal from system
- Section 41.35.430 - Employer and member contribution rates
- Section 41.35.440 - Earned disability allowance-Disposition upon death of recipient
- Section 41.35.450 - Application for and effective date of retirement allowances
- Section 41.35.460 - Death benefits
- Section 41.35.470 - Leaves of absence, military service
- Section 41.35.480 - Vested membership
- Section 41.35.490 - Refund of contributions
- Section 41.35.500 - Reentry
- Section 41.35.510 - Transfer to plan 3-Irrevocable option
- Section 41.35.599 - Provisions applicable to plan 2