Section 36.61.300 - Acquisition of real property or property rights-County authority(1) In connection with the acquisition of real property or property rights within or outside a lake or beach management district, a county may: (a) Own real property and property rights, including without limitation conservation easements; (b) transfer real property and property rights to another state or local governmental entity; (c) contract with a public or private entity, including without limitation a financial institution with trust powers, a municipal corporation, or a nonprofit corporation, to hold real property or property rights such as conservation easements in trust for the purposes of the lake and beach management district, and, in connection with those services, to pay the reasonable costs of that financial institution or nonprofit corporation; (d) monitor and enforce the terms of a real property right such as a conservation easement, or for that purpose to contract with a public or private entity, including without limitation a financial institution with trust powers, a municipal corporation, or a nonprofit corporation; (e) impose terms, conditions, and encumbrances upon real property or property rights acquired in respect of a lake or beach management district, and amend the same; and (f) accept gifts, grants, and loans in connection with the acquisition of real property and property rights for lake or beach management district purposes.(2) If a county contracts with a financial institution, municipal corporation, or nonprofit corporation to hold that property or property rights in trust for purposes of the district, the terms of the contract must provide that the financial institution, municipal corporation, or nonprofit corporation may not sell, pledge, or hypothecate the property or property rights for any purpose, and must further provide for the return of the property or property rights back to the county in the event of a material breach of the terms of the contract.(3) Before a lake or beach management district in existence as of June 12, 2014, exercises the powers set forth in this section, the legislative authority of the county must provide for an amended resolution of intention and modify the plan for the district, with a public hearing, all as provided in RCW 36.61.050.