Section 30B.44B.040 - Director's right to take possession may be contested(1) Within ten days after the director takes possession of a state trust company pursuant to RCW 30B.44B.005, the state trust company may serve a notice upon the director to appear before the superior court of the county where the headquarters of the state trust company is located and at a time to be fixed by the court, which shall not be less than five nor more than fifteen days from the date of the service of such notice, to show cause why the director's action taking possession of the state trust company should not be affirmed.(2) Upon the return day of such notice, or such further day as the matter may be continued to, the court shall summarily hear the show-cause petition and shall dismiss it, if the court finds that possession of the state trust company was taken by the director in good faith and for cause. If, however, the court finds that no cause existed for taking possession of the state trust company, the court shall require the director to restore the state trust company to possession of its assets and enjoin the director from further interference with the state trust company without cause.