Wash. Rev. Code § 28C.04.420
The college board may, subject to appropriation from the legislature or from funds made available from any other public or private source and pursuant to rules adopted by the college board, and with the advice of the workforce training customer advisory committee established in RCW 28C.04.390, provide job skills grants to educational institutions. The job skills grants shall be used exclusively for programs which are consistent with the job skills program. The college board shall work in collaboration with the workforce training customer advisory committee established in RCW 28C.04.390 to assure that:
Beginning January 1, 2014, and every year thereafter, the college board shall provide the legislature and the governor with a report describing the activities and outcomes of the state job skills program.
RCW 28C.04.420
Severability-1983 1st ex.s. c 21: See note following RCW 28C.04.400.