Wash. Rev. Code § 28C.04.390
RCW 28C.04.390
Findings-Intent-2010 1st sp.s. c 24: "(1) The legislature finds that in times of severe economic recession, the state has a special obligation to help unemployed and low-income citizens access the training and education necessary to help them find and keep living wage jobs. The legislature also finds that during times of recession, when state revenues are at their lowest, demand for education and training are at their highest, making it especially important for the legislature to set clear goals and make the most efficient use of limited state resources.
(2) The legislature therefore intends to expand training and education programs, which have proven to be successful, to help Washington citizens receive the training they need. These programs include the worker retraining program, the opportunity grant program, and the opportunity internship program. The legislature further intends to create more effective intake and outreach systems to reach the greatest number of citizens and connect them to the resources they need, including college, apprenticeship, and preapprenticeship." [ 2010 1st sp.s. c 24 s 1.]