Wash. Rev. Code § 18.71.019
The Uniform Disciplinary Act, chapter 18.130 RCW, governs unlicensed practice and the issuance and denial of licenses and discipline of licensees under this chapter. When a panel of the commission revokes a license, the respondent may request review of the revocation order of the panel by the remaining members of the commission not involved in the initial investigation. The respondent's request for review must be filed within twenty days of the effective date of the order revoking the respondent's license. The review shall be scheduled for hearing by the remaining members of the commission not involved in the initial investigation within sixty days. The commission shall adopt rules establishing review procedures.
RCW 18.71.019
Severability-Headings and captions not law-Effective date-1994 sp.s. c 9: See RCW 18.79.900 through 18.79.902.
Severability-1987 c 150: See RCW 18.122.901.
Severability-1986 c 259: See note following RCW 18.130.010.