Section 15.89.030 - Washington beer commission created-Composition(1) Subject to the referendum conducted under RCW 15.89.040, there is created an agricultural commodity commission, to be known as the Washington beer commission. The commission shall be comprised of seven voting members; six members shall be producers and one voting member shall be the director.(2) Five voting members of the commission constitute a quorum for the transaction of any commission business.(3) Each producer member shall be a citizen and resident of this state and over the age of twenty-one. Each producer member must be engaged in producing beer, and must, during his or her term of office, derive a substantial portion of income from the production of beer, or have a substantial investment in the production of beer as an owner, lessee, partner, or the manager or executive officer of such a corporation. No more than one board member may be part of the same person as defined by RCW 15.04.010. These qualifications apply throughout each member's term of office but do not apply to the director.(4) The producer members shall serve three-year terms. Of the initial voting members, two members shall be appointed for a one-year term, two members shall be appointed for a two-year term, and two members shall be appointed for a three-year term.