- Section 15.17.010 - Purpose
- Section 15.17.020 - Definitions
- Section 15.17.030 - Enforcement-Director's duties-Rules
- Section 15.17.050 - Rules-Authority of director
- Section 15.17.060 - Adoption of standards
- Section 15.17.080 - Fresh fruits-Culls-Basket markings-Designation on bills of lading, invoices, etc
- Section 15.17.090 - Private grades or brands-Approval and registration
- Section 15.17.140 - Inspections and certifications-Request for-Fees
- Section 15.17.143 - Certificates of compliance-Petition by shipper-Rules
- Section 15.17.150 - Inspections and certifications-Fees adopted by rule-Failure to pay
- Section 15.17.170 - Inspection certificate or other official document as evidence
- Section 15.17.190 - Inspections-Right of access-Samples-Denial of access-Search warrants
- Section 15.17.200 - Noncomplying fruits or vegetables-Enforcement procedure-Notice-Hearing
- Section 15.17.210 - Fruits or vegetables-Unlawful practices when selling, offering for sale, or shipping-Containers-Director's powers-Rules
- Section 15.17.213 - Exemption of certain fruits or vegetables from chapter
- Section 15.17.240 - Fruit and vegetable inspection account-Fees-Rules
- Section 15.17.260 - Injunctions
- Section 15.17.270 - Cooperation with governmental agencies
- Section 15.17.290 - Violation of chapter or rules-Suspension-Civil penalty
- Section 15.17.900 - Provisions cumulative and nonexclusive