Section 15.04.415 - Information on product country of origin-Findings-Use of placards(1) The legislature finds that it is a common practice for consumers to be provided information as to the country [of] origin for many products available to them for purchase. The legislature finds that consumers have a right to know the origin of the fresh fruits and vegetables being offered to them at retail sale. The legislature finds that there is value to the consumer being able to make an informed buying decision as to whether the fresh fruit or vegetable was produced under standards and conditions required in the United States. Further, the legislature finds that consumers should be given the ability to make an informed choice to buy fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in Washington state as a means of supporting the economy of the state.(2) Stores or other businesses offering fresh fruit and vegetables for retail sale to consumers shall place a placard on the bin, shelf, or other location the product is displayed that informs the consumer where the fruit or vegetable was grown if it was grown in the United States or grown in Washington. The placard shall indicate that the product was either "Grown in United States" or "Grown in Washington." Placards are not required if (a) the product was grown outside of the United States, or (b) each item in the bin, shelf, or other location contains a sticker or label that indicates where the fruit or vegetable product was grown.