Wash. Rev. Code § 11.96A.300
To: (Parties)
Notice is hereby given that the following matter shall be resolved by mediation under RCW 11.96A.300:
(State nature of matter)
This matter must be resolved using the mediation procedures of RCW 11.96A.300 unless a petition objecting to mediation is filed with the superior court within twenty days of service of this notice. If a petition objecting to mediation is not filed within the twenty-day period, RCW 11.96A.300(4) requires you to furnish to all other parties or their virtual representatives a list of acceptable mediators within thirty days of your receipt of this notice.
(Optional: Our list of acceptable mediators is as follows:)
DATED: . . . . ..
. . ..
(Party or party's legal representative)
To: (Parties)
Notice is hereby given that the following matter shall be resolved by mediation under RCW 11.96A.300:
(State nature of matter)
This matter must be resolved using the mediation procedures of RCW 11.96A.300 unless the court determines at the hearing set for . . . o'clock on . . . . ., (identify place of already set hearing), that mediation shall not apply pursuant to RCW 11.96A.300(3). If the court determines that mediation shall not apply, the court may decide the matter at the hearing, require arbitration, or direct other judicial proceedings.
(Optional: Our list of acceptable mediators is as follows:)
DATED: . . . . ..
. . ..
(Party or party's legal representative)
At the hearing, the court shall order that mediation proceed except for good cause shown. Such order shall not be subject to appeal or revision. If the court determines that the matter should not be subject to mediation, the court shall dispose of the matter by:
RCW 11.96A.300