If it shall so happen, that any first rate pilot, having a boat attending him, shall be carried to sea in any ship or vessel, contrary to his inclination, by stress of weather, or other unavoidable accident, the master, owner or consignee of such ship or vessel shall pay to such pilot, his executors, or administrators, the same wages as the master of said vessel receives, until the return of said pilot to the said capes; or in case he shall die whilst so absent, then to the time of his death; and if any second-rate pilot shall be carried off as aforesaid, the same wages as the first mate of such vessel receives; and if any third-rate pilot shall be carried off as aforesaid, the same wages as the seamen of such vessel receive; and if any pilot as aforesaid, not having a boat attending him, shall be carried to sea as aforesaid, he shall be paid one-half the wages he would have been entitled to had a boat been attending.
55 P.S. § 135