- Section 238.500 - Definitions for ORS 238.500 to 238.585
- Section 238.505 - Judges as PERS members
- Section 238.510 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.515 - Contributions
- Section 238.520 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.525 - Compulsory retirement age
- Section 238.530 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.535 - Service retirement allowance
- Section 238.538 - Health benefit plans for certain retired judge members
- Section 238.540 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.545 - Withdrawal of member account; retirement allowance of inactive judge member
- Section 238.550 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.555 - Disability retirement allowance
- Section 238.560 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.565 - Judge's beneficiaries; spouse's pension
- Section 238.570 - [Renumbered]
- Section 238.575 - Cost-of-living adjustments; ad hoc increase
- Section 238.580 - Application of PERS laws to judges
- Section 238.585 - Use of creditable service by person who serves as both member and judge member; restoration of forfeited rights upon becoming judge member