Section 227.173 - Basis for decision on permit application or expedited land division; statement of reasons for approval or denial(1) Approval or denial of a discretionary permit application shall be based on standards and criteria, which shall be set forth in the development ordinance and which shall relate approval or denial of a discretionary permit application to the development ordinance and to the comprehensive plan for the area in which the development would occur and to the development ordinance and comprehensive plan for the city as a whole.(2) When an ordinance establishing approval standards is required under ORS 197A.200 and 197A.400 to provide only clear and objective standards, the standards must be clear and objective on the face of the ordinance.(3) Approval or denial of a permit application or expedited land division shall be based upon and accompanied by a brief statement that explains the criteria and standards considered relevant to the decision, states the facts relied upon in rendering the decision and explains the justification for the decision based on the criteria, standards and facts set forth.(4) Written notice of the approval or denial shall be given to all parties to the proceeding.