Rule 2.58 - Independent Expenditure and Electioneering Communication Printed Advertisement Disclosure Requirements(A) Whenever an independent expenditure or electioneering communication is made for the purpose of a communication through Internet advertising, direct mail, magazine advertisement, newspaper advertisement or any other printed medium, the communication shall state in writing of sufficient size and contrast to be clearly readable by the recipient of the communication: "Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Authorized and paid for by" to be followed by the name of the person who paid for the communication, the person's permanent street address and telephone number. This provision shall not apply to bumper stickers, campaign buttons, t-shirts, aerial advertising or similar advertisements of such a nature that inclusion of a disclaimer would be impractical.(B) Whenever a state question communication is made for the purpose of a communication through Internet advertising, direct mail, magazine advertisement, newspaper advertisement or any other printed medium, the communication shall state in writing of sufficient size and contrast to be clearly readable by the recipient of the communication: "Authorized and paid for by" to be followed by the name of the person who paid for the communication, the person's permanent street address and telephone number. This provision shall not apply to bumper stickers, campaign buttons, t-shirts, aerial advertising or similar advertisements of such a nature that inclusion of a disclaimer would be impractical.Okla. Stat. tit. 74E, § 2.58
Promulgated by Ethics Commission January 10, 2014; effective upon Legislature's sine die adjournment 5/23/2014; operative 1/1/2015.