Rule 257:10-1-14 - Report contents(a) Basic reporting form. The campaign contributions and expenditures report shall include: (1) the following administrative information: (A) committee name and address;(B) candidate's name, if a candidate committee; or title or number of ballot measure if supporting or opposing a ballot measure;(C) type(s) of report (pre-election, monthly, quarterly, or annual and whether it is amended or final);(D) period covered by the report; and(E) the office sought and the year of the general election or special general election for the candidate that is supported or opposed by the committee; or the date of the election for the ballot measure, if known, that is supported or opposed by the committee;(2) the information reported pursuant to Paragraph (16) of this subsection on the last campaign contributions and expenditures report. (A) For purposes of this paragraph, the beginning of the reporting period for the initial report of a candidate committee shall be the date the first contribution was accepted or expenditure was made or declaration of candidacy was filed, whichever is earlier; the beginning of the reporting period for subsequent reports shall be the day following the last day of the previous reporting period.(B) For purposes of this paragraph, the beginning of the reporting period for the initial report of a committee, other than a candidate committee, shall be the date the first contribution was accepted or expenditure was made for a new reporting committee; the beginning of the reporting period for subsequent reports shall be the day following the last day of the previous reporting period;(3) the following information about monetary contributions, including loans, accepted from a person other than a committee: (A) the total sum of all contributions accepted during the current reporting period less contributions from the lender, guarantor or endorser of a loan reported under Paragraph (4) of this subsection;(B) the total of contributions accepted for the campaign-to-date or calendar year-to-date less contributions from the lender, guarantor or endorser of a loan reported under Paragraph (4) of this subsection;(C) for other than out-of-state or federal committees, the number of contributors making contributions of fifty dollars ($50) or less accepted and the total amount of contributions in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) or less in the aggregate accepted during the campaign, if a candidate committee, or calendar year, if other than a candidate committee, less contributions from the lender, guarantor or endorser of a loan reported under Paragraph (4) of this subsection; and(D) for other than out-of-state or federal committees, the name and address, occupation and employer, or principal business activity, of each contributor contributing in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in the aggregate during the reporting period; the date accepted, amount and nature (cash or written instrument) of each contribution by the contributor during the reporting period; and the total contributions of the contributor to the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;(E) for out-of-state and federal committees, the number of contributors making contributions of two hundred dollars ($200.00) or less accepted and the total amount of contributions in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00) or less in the aggregate accepted during the campaign, if a candidate committee, or calendar year, if other than a candidate committee, less contributions from the lender, guarantor or endorser of a loan reported under paragraph (4) of this subsection; and(F) for out-of-state and federal committees, the name and address, occupation and employer, or principal business activity, of each contributor contributing in excess of two hundred dollars ($200.00) in the aggregate during the reporting period; the date accepted, amount and nature (cash or written instrument) of each contribution by the contributor during the reporting period; and the total contributions of the contributor to the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;
(4) the following information about monetary contributions accepted from a committee; (A) the total sum of all contributions accepted during the current reporting period;(B) the total of contributions accepted for the campaign-to-date or calendar year-to-date;(C) the number of committees making contributions of fifty dollars ($50) or less accepted and the total amount of contributions in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) or less in the aggregate accepted during the reporting period; and(D) the name, address, Ethics Commission number, and the principal interest or principal business activity of each committee contributing in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in the aggregate during the reporting period; the date accepted, amount of each contribution by the committee during the reporting period; and the total contributions of the committee to the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;(5) the following information about loans, promissory notes, or security agreements the proceeds of which are to be used by or for the benefit of the candidate's campaign or the committee:(A) the total amount of all loans, promissory notes, or security agreements received during the reporting period, and the total amount of loans, promissory notes, or security agreements for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;(B) the amount of each loan, promissory note, or security agreement during the reporting period, and (i) the date and amount of each loan, promissory note, or security agreement,(ii) the name and address of the lending institution,(iii) the name and address of each lender, guarantor or endorser,(iv) the year-to-date or campaign-to-date total, and(v) the terms of the loan, promissory note, or security agreement including the interest rate and repayment schedule;(6) the following information about other receipts: (A) the total of other receipts, including refunds, sale of assets, rebates (other than those that qualify as contributions), interest from an interest bearing account with the campaign depository or depositories, or other receipts, not previously identified during the reporting period received of fifty dollars ($50.00) or less; and(B) the date and amount of each refund, rebate, interest, or other receipt not previously identified of more than fifty dollars ($50.00) in the aggregate from one source, the name of each source, and the campaign-to-date total for candidate committees and year-to-date total for other committees;(7) the aggregate total of monetary receipts for the reporting period and for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees or year-to-date for other committees;(8) the same information for in-kind contributions, including guarantors and endorsers of loans, as for monetary contributions, together with the Ethics Commission number for committees, and shall also include a description of the in-kind contribution;(9) the amount of funds loaned or donated by a corporation, labor organization, or other person to its political action committee for the establishment and for solicitation costs of the committee;(10) written agreements, written promises or written pledges to make a dated, undated or postdated contribution to be reported separately and in the same manner as other monetary contributions(11) the aggregate total of contributions, loans, and other receipts, both monetary and in-kind, including payment of costs described in Paragraph (9) of this subsection, during the reporting period, and the campaign-to-date aggregate total for candidate committees and year-to-date aggregate total for other committees;(12) the following information about expenditures:(A) the total of expenditures made during the reporting period and the year-to-date or campaign-to-date total;(B) the amount, date, a brief description of the consideration, and an explanation of the purpose - which must permit a reasonable person to determine the reason for the purchase - for which each campaign expenditure was made in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in the aggregate to one (1) entity during the reporting period, the name and address of the person to which the expenditure was made, the beneficiary of the expenditure, and the year to date total. Disbursements to consultants, advertising agencies, and similar firms; credit card expenses; and candidate reimbursements must be itemized to permit a reasonable person to determine the ultimate intended recipient of the expenditure and its purpose;(C) the total amount of all campaign expenditures not required to be reported in Subparagraph (B); and(D) Committees may file all expenditures in lieu of the additional bookkeeping requirement of grouping together all expenditures aggregating $50 or less to one entity and all expenditures aggregating more than $50 to one entity; Provided, a committee shall not divide expenditures which would otherwise be made individually for the purpose of evading the reporting requirements of this paragraph;
(13) the following information about independent expenditures and electioneering communications: (A) the total of independent expenditures and electioneering communications made during the reporting period and the total independent expenditures and electioneering communications made during the election cycle;(B) the amount, the date and a brief description or statement of each independent expenditure and the name and office of the candidate supported or opposed, indicating whether the candidate was supported or opposed, and a brief description or statement of each electioneering communication and the name and office of the candidate to whom the electioneering communication referred.(C) If the person making the independent expenditure or electioneering communication, other than a political action committee, received funds from any other person for the purpose of making an independent expenditure or expenditures or an electioneering communication or communications, the report shall include the name, address and principal business activity of each person contributing funds in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in the aggregate and the amount of any such contribution or contributions that have not been previously reported, together with a cumulative total of all contributions made by each person since the first report was filed for the election for which the independent expenditure or electioneering communication is being made;(14) the following information about monetary transfers to other committees, subject to the restrictions in Subsection (e) of Section 2 of this chapter and Subsection (a) of Section 20 of this chapter: (A) the total amount of monetary transfers to other committees for the reporting period;(B) the total amount of all monetary transfers to other committees for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and the year-to-date for other committees;(C) the amount of each monetary transfer during the reporting period, the name and address of each recipient, the date tendered, and the total monetary transfers to the recipient for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;(15) the total of all monetary expenditures and monetary transfers;(16) the following information about in-kind transfers: (A) the total amount of in-kind transfers to other committees for the reporting period;(B) the total amount of all in-kind transfers to other committees for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and the year-to-date for other committees;(C) the fair market value of each in-kind transfer during the reporting period, the name and address of each recipient, the date tendered, a description of the goods or services transferred, and the total value of in-kind transfers to the recipient for the campaign-to-date for candidate committees and year-to-date for other committees;(17) the following information about expenditures incurred:(A) the total amount of all expenditures incurred; and(B) the amount of each expenditure incurred if the amount is in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in the aggregate to one entity, a brief description of what was purchased, the purpose of the purchase, and the date the goods or services were delivered; and(C) the total amount of expenditures incurred not required to be reported in Subparagraph (B).(D) Committees may file all expenditures incurred in lieu of the additional bookkeeping requirement of grouping together all expenditures incurred aggregating $50 or less to one entity and all expenditures incurred aggregating more than $50 to one entity. An expenditure incurred shall be reported on each report filed after the date of receipt of goods or services until payment is made to the vendor. A payment shall be listed as an expenditure when the payment is made; provided, a committee shall not divide expenditures incurred which would otherwise be made individually for the purpose of evading the reporting requirements of this paragraph;
(18) the following information about unpaid loans, promissory notes, or security agreements the proceeds of which were used by or for the benefit of the candidate's campaign or the committee: (A) the total balance of loans, promissory notes, and security agreements owed by the committee during the reporting period;(B) each loan, promissory note, or security agreement owed by the committee, itemized by name and address of lending institution or any other lender, and the date of the loan, promissory note and/or security agreement;(19) the difference between total monetary receipts and total monetary expenditures, as of the end of the reporting period; and(20) the signature, or typed signature on electronically filed forms of the treasurer or, in the treasurer's absence, the deputy treasurer, who shall certify that during this campaign-to-date for candidate committees or calendar year-to-date for other committees, the treasurer, or deputy treasurer in the treasurer's absence, received contributor statements or made the three separate, good faith requests to obtain contributor statements as required by this chapter. The signature, or typed signature on electronically filed forms, shall certify that the report filed is a true and correct record of the committee's contribution and expenditure transactions.(b) Statement of inactivity. A statement of inactivity must include the same information as required by Subsection (a), Paragraphs (1) and (19) of this section; and a statement that a contribution was not accepted and an expenditure was not made during the reporting period.Okla. Stat. tit. 74E, § 257:10-1-14
Amended Laws 1995. Amended Laws 1996. Amended Laws 1998. Amended Laws 1999. Amended Laws 2002. Amended Laws 2003. Amended Laws 2007. Amended Laws 2009. Amended Laws 2010, c. 442, § 4, eff. 7/1/2010. Amended Laws 2012.