- Section 5003.1 - Short title
- Section 5003.2 - Statement of needs - Oklahoma Department of Commerce created - Status
- Section 5003.3 - Mission of Oklahoma Department of Commerce
- Section 5003.4 - Definitions
- Section 5003.5 - Director of Department of Commerce
- Section 5003.6 - Powers and duties of Department
- Section 5003.7 - Five-year economic development plan and updates
- Section 5003.8 - Annual report
- Section 5003.9 - Program performance review - Report
- Section 5003.10 - Oklahoma Department of Commerce - Powers and authority
- Section 5003.10a - Termination of office outside state
- Section 5003.10b - Administration of federal funds to develop trade center and industrial park
- Section 5003.10c - [Repealed]
- Section 5003.10d - State's Workforce Investment Board, Recognition - Purpose - Membership - Terms - Meetings - Duties and Responsibilities - Funding
- Section 5003.10e - Work-based Learning Program
- Section 5003.10f - Short title - Oklahoma Research and Development Attraction Act
- Section 5003.10g - Research and Development Attraction Program
- Section 5003.10h - Promulgation of rules
- Section 5003.11 - Establishment of community development strategy and plan - Authority of Department
- Section 5003.12 - Aerospace Commerce Economic Services Act - Purpose - Aerospace and Defense Industry Integrator
- Section 5003.15 - 2nd Century Entrepreneurship Center
- Section 5003.21 - Oklahoma Department of Commerce - Accessing economic and tax incentives
- Section 5004 - Renumbered
- Section 5004.1 - General counsel