Section 325.2 - Incident Command Site Task ForceA. There is hereby created, to continue until September 1, 2008, the "Incident Command Site Task Force".B. The Task Force shall consist of fifteen (15) members:1. Three members shall be appointed by the Governor as follows: a. one member from the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security,b. one member from the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association, andc. one member who is a rural fire coordinator with incident command experience;2. Two members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives as follows: a. one member who is a firefighter with the rank of officer from a rural area, andb. one member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives;3. Two members shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the State Senate as follows:a. one member who is a firefighter with the rank of officer from an urban area, andb. one member of the State Senate;4. The State Fire Marshal, or a designee;5. The State Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, or a designee;6. The Director of Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training, or a designee;7. The Chair of the Oklahoma Council on Firefighter Training, or a designee;8. The Commissioner of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, or a designee;9. The Director of the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, or a designee;10. The Commissioner of Public Safety, or a designee; and11. The Director of the International Fire Service Training Association, or a designee.C. The appointed member from the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the appointed member from the State Senate shall serve as cochairs of the Task Force. The cochairs shall convene the first meeting of the Task Force. The members of the Task Force shall elect any other officers during the first meeting and upon a vacancy in any office. The Task Force shall meet as often as necessary.D. Appointments to the Task Force shall be made by August 1, 2007.E. A majority of the members of the Task Force shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the members present at a meeting may act for the Task Force.F. Nonlegislative members of the Task Force shall be reimbursed by their respective agencies for necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of duties pursuant to the provisions of the State Travel Reimbursement Act. Legislative members of the Task Force shall be reimbursed for necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of duties in accordance with the provisions of Section 456 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes.G. Administrative support for the Task Force including, but not limited to, personnel necessary to ensure the proper performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Task Force shall be provided by the Office of the State Fire Marshal to be supplemented, if necessary, by the state agencies involved in the Task Force.H. The Task Force shall study and make recommendations of appropriate incident command systems including, but not limited to, unified command for managing multidiscipline and multijurisdictional fire incidents occurring in this state. Recommendations shall be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).I. The Task Force shall publish a report of findings and recommendations by September 1, 2008, including recommendations for any resulting legislation.Okla. Stat. tit. 74, § 325.2
Added by Laws 2007, HB 1520, c. 175, §2, eff. 11/1/2007.