All advance or sample copies of textbooks or any edition thereof furnished to any member of the State Textbook Committee, or to any individual for the purpose of obtaining a selection of the textbook by the State Textbook Committee, shall not be sold by the recipient thereof, but shall be disposed of as may be prescribed by the rules of the State Board of Education. Any advance or sample textbook or any edition thereof furnished to a member of a local textbook committee, or to any school official or individual for the purpose of obtaining a local adoption of the textbook, may be returned to the publisher for credit if the cost of such book was charged against the value of textbooks allowed such school district. Publishers shall pay the cost of shipment on returned samples. All publishers having contracts to furnish textbooks to the State of Oklahoma shall be required to file with the State Board of Education, not later than the first day of January and the first day of July of each year following the dates of their respective contracts, a sworn statement showing the names and addresses of all persons to whom they have furnished, during the preceding six (6) months, any advance or sample copies of such textbooks, or any edition thereof, together with the numbers and titles of such textbooks furnished to each such recipient, and a failure to do so, or to give accurate and complete information concerning the same, shall authorize the State Board of Education to cancel the contract of such publisher.
Okla. Stat. tit. 70, § 16-119