- Section 55001 - Definitions - Implementation of federal law - Taxes to which act applies - Services deemed to be provided by home service provider
- Section 55002 - Provision of electronic database containing local taxing jurisdiction information - Liability of home service provider - Presumption
- Section 55003 - Judgment limiting or impairing federal act - Invalidity of act
- Section 55004 - When act applies relating to tax liabilities
- Section 55005 - Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act of 2015
- Section 55006 - Short title - Oklahoma Emission Reduction Technology Incentive Act
- Section 55007 - XXX
- Section 55008 - XXX
- Section 55009 - XXX
- Section 55010 - XXX
- Section 55011 - XXX
- Section 55012 - XXX