The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby authorized and empowered to advertise, sell, and execute an oil and gas lease or leases upon the following described state-owned lands constituting a portion of the State Capitol grounds:
Beginning at a point One Hundred Fifty-two and Seventy-seven One-hundredths (152.77) feet east of the Southwest Corner of the Northeast One-quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Three (3) West. Thence North Four (4) Degrees Thirty-one (31) Minutes East, Twelve Hundred Eight and Fifty-five One-hundredths (1,208.55) feet. Thence West Four Hundred Ninety-six (496.0) feet. Thence South Four (4) Degrees Thirty-one (31) Minutes East, Twelve Hundred Eight and Fifty-five One-hundredths (1,208.55) feet. Thence East Three Hundred Five and Fifty-four One-hundredths (305.54) feet to the place of beginning, containing Eleven and Eight One-hundredths (11.08) acres, more or less, situated in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
In advertising, selling, and executing such lease or leases, such Office shall follow the provisions and requirements of Section 309 of this title. The Office may provide for the consolidation of such lease or leases with a lease or leases upon other lands under such terms as such Office may determine.
Okla. Stat. tit. 61, § 310