Okla. Stat. tit. 57 § 332.8
No recommendations to the Governor for parole shall be made nor any paroles granted by the Board in relation to any inmate in a penal institution in the State of Oklahoma unless the Pardon and Parole Board considers the victim impact statements if presented to the jury, or the judge in the event a jury was waived, at the time of sentencing and, in every appropriate case, as a condition of parole, monetary restitution of economic loss as defined by Section 991f of Title 22 of the Oklahoma Statutes, incurred by a victim of the crime for which the inmate was imprisoned. In every case, the Pardon and Parole Board shall first consider the number of previous felony convictions and the type of criminal violations leading to any such felony convictions, then shall consider either suitable employment or a suitable residence, and finally shall mandate participation in education programs to achieve the proficiency level established in Section 510.7 of this title or, at the discretion of the Board require the attainment of a general education diploma, as a condition for release on parole. The Board shall consider the availability of programs and the waiting period for such programs in setting conditions of parole release. The Board may require any program to be completed after the inmate is released on parole as a condition of parole. A facsimile signature of the inmate on parole papers that is transmitted to the Board shall be an accepted means of acknowledgement of parole conditions. The probation and parole officer shall render reasonable assistance to any person making application for parole, in helping to obtain suitable employment or enrollment in an education program or a suitable residence. Any inmate who fails to satisfactorily attend and make satisfactory progress in the educational program in which the inmate has been required to participate as a condition of parole, may have his or her parole revoked. If an inmate's parole is revoked, such inmate shall be returned to confinement in the custody of the Department of Corrections.
Okla. Stat. tit. 57, § 332.8