Section 530.8 - Appeals - Injunctions - ViolationsA. Any certificate holder aggrieved by the decision of the Department of Human Services pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Adult Companion Home Certification Act, within ten (10) days after the revocation or refusal to issue or renew the certification, may take an appeal de novo to the district court of the county in which the home is maintained and operated by filing with the clerk of the court a verified petition. Notice of such appeal shall be served on the Director of the Department within five (5) days of the date of its filing. B. The Department, within ten (10) days of the service of such notice, shall file with the clerk of said court a transcript of the proceedings had before it. The district court shall thereupon be vested with jurisdiction to hear and determine the questions of law and fact involved, as in an appeal de novo. If the Department prevails, the judgment of the district court shall be that the decision of the Department be affirmed. If the owner or operator of a home prevails, the judgment of the court shall be that the revocation be set aside or the certification issued or renewed, as the case may be. Pending the hearing of the appeal, the action of the Department revoking or refusing renewal of the certification or the granting thereof shall be stayed.C. Any person or owner or operator of a home may be enjoined from maintaining and operating such home for violations of any provisions of the Oklahoma Adult Companion Home Certification Act by suit brought in the name of the state by the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma or by a district attorney.D. Any person or agent, representative, or officer of any home who violates any of the provisions of the Oklahoma Adult Companion Home Certification Act, upon conviction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Whenever any agent, representative, or officer of any home is convicted under authority of the Oklahoma Adult Companion Home Certification Act, such conviction shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of the certificate to operate a home.Okla. Stat. tit. 56, § 530.8
Added by Laws 1993, c. 159, § 13, eff. 7/1/1993.