- Section 421 - Definitions - Persons not included - Sworn statement showing exemption
- Section 422 - Compliance with act required - License necessary
- Section 423 - Application for license - Separate application and license for each motor vehicle
- Section 424 - License fees - Period covered by license
- Section 425 - Insurance policies and bonds - Parties to actions
- Section 426 - Appointment of Secretary of Commission as agent to accept service of summons
- Section 427 - Summons or notice of suit - Form - Service
- Section 428 - License - Issuance - Contents - Carried in vehicle - License plate
- Section 429 - Transfer of license or license plate
- Section 430 - Revocation of license
- Section 431 - Rules for administration of act
- Section 432 - Custody and operation of motor vehicle used in violation of act
- Section 433 - Disposition of fees
- Section 434 - Authority of county or municipal corporation not affected
- Section 435 - Violation a misdemeanor - Punishment
- Section 436 - Actions for injunctions
- Section 437 - Highway Patrol and peace officers to enforce Act
- Section 438 - Partial invalidity