- Section 81 - Witness fees
- Section 82 - Monies from which fees and mileage paid - Taxation as costs upon conclusion of proceedings
- Section 83 - [Repealed]
- Section 84 - Certificates to be issued to witnesses
- Section 84.1 - Employee of state or political subdivision testifying on matter pertaining to their employment - Witness fees - Other reimbursement
- Section 85 - Warrants for fees of jurors and witnesses for which county liable
- Section 86 - Jurors' fees - Parking - Persons excused from serving - Lengthy Trial Fund - Wage replacement or supplementation
- Section 86.1 - Jurors' and witnesses' fees - Donation to agencies for the prevention of child abuse
- Section 87 - Clerk's record of jurors and witnesses
- Section 88 - Statement to commissioners
- Section 91 - State Fire Marshal investigation - Expert witness fee