- Section 404.2 - Demarion's Law - Short title
- Section 404.3 - Demarion's Law - Mandatory liability insurance for facilities
- Section 405 - Necessity and issuance of license - Temporary authorization
- Section 405.1 - Comprehensive state plan for child care facilities - Federal requirements - Submission to Legislature
- Section 405.2 - Online child care database
- Section 405.3 - Online Restricted Registry
- Section 405.4 - Education requirements for child care center director - Master teacher - Replacement - Floor space requirements
- Section 405.5 - Continuation of license upon inheritance or purchase of a facility
- Section 406 - Investigations - Notice of violation - Confidentiality - Anonymous complaint system
- Section 406.1 - Indian tribe-operated child care facility - Inspection agreement
- Section 407 - Revocation of license or refusal to issue or renew - Emergency action - Citation
- Section 408 - Appeals
- Section 409 - Injunction
- Section 410 - Violations - Punishment
- Section 410.1 - Quality of Care Development Fund
- Section 411 - Certificate of immunization as condition for admission to day care facility - Waiver
- Section 412 - Manner and frequency of immunizations - Enforcement of act
- Section 413 - Exemptions
- Section 414 - Administration of immunizations - Persons eligible - Indigent persons
- Section 415 - Child with reportable contagious disease to be excluded from day care facility
- Section 416 - [Repealed]
- Section 417 - [Repealed]
- Section 418 - Authority to obtain evidence - Administration of oaths
- Section 419 - [Repealed]
- Section 420 - Child Care Center Bill of Rights
- Section 425
- Section 430 - [Repealed]