Ohio Rev. Code § 5517.01
The director of transportation shall make a map in outline and profile, and plans, specifications, profiles, and estimates covering proposed projects. When completed the director shall indorse upon such maps, profiles, plans, specifications, and estimates of quantities his approval of the same and cause one copy thereof to be placed on file in his office and another in the office of the district deputy director of transportation, for public inspection on or before starting the publication of notice to bidders. The director may sell prints or copies of any plans, specifications, or contracts for a charge not to exceed the cost of such prints or copies. The money received from such sale shall be deposited with the state treasury to the credit of the appropriate fund.
In the execution of any survey authorized by the director any person, firm, or corporation, without doing unnecessary injury thereto, may enter upon any lands within the state for the purpose of inspecting, surveying, leveling, or doing any work deemed necessary to carry out Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5512., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533. and 5535. of the Revised Code. If the person, firm, or corporation, whose premises are entered upon for this purpose, makes any claim for compensation or damages for injury thereto, and the parties cannot agree as to the amount to be paid, either party may petition the probate court of the county in which such land is situated. The court shall appoint a time for a preliminary hearing in such petition, notify the parties interested, fix a time for hearing of the matter in controversy, and the court may view the premises if it sees fit, hear evidence relating thereto, and assess such compensation or damages as the court deems just. When a petition is filed with the probate court it shall require the party filing such petition to give bond in such sum as it may fix to cover costs of proceedings on appeal. If either party is not satisfied with the judgment of the court, he may ask for a jury trial, and the court shall thereupon summon a jury and the trial shall proceed as provided by law relating to appeals in road cases.
The director may in the preparation of plans for any improvement include a designation of the unloading points for materials to be used in such improvement, and he may also include in the plans a designation of the routes over which materials for use in such improvement shall be transported. Any designation of unloading points or routes for the transportation of materials so made shall be clearly and conspicuously shown upon the plans for such improvement, and any person awarded the contract for constructing such improvement shall, in such event, be required to unload all materials at the points designated on the plans and transport the same over the routes thereupon designated.
R.C. §5517.01