- Section 5111.01 - [Renumbered as 5162.03]
- Section 5111.011 - [Renumbered as 5163.02]
- Section 5111.012 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.013 - [Renumbered as 5163.40]
- Section 5111.014 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.015 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.016 - [Renumbered as 5164.26]
- Section 5111.017 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.018 - [Renumbered as 5164.07]
- Section 5111.019 - [Renumbered as 5111.0120]
- Section 5111.0110 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0111 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0112 - [Renumbered as 5162.20]
- Section 5111.0113 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0114 - [Renumbered as 5164.754]
- Section 5111.0115 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0116 - [Renumbered as 5163.30]
- Section 5111.0117 - [Renumbered as 5163.31]
- Section 5111.0118 - [Renumbered as 5163.32]
- Section 5111.0119 - [Renumbered as 5163.45]
- Section 5111.0120 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0121 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0122 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0123 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.0124 - [Renumbered as 5163.10]
- Section 5111.0125 - [Renumbered as 5163.101] Medicaid state plan amendment; qualified entities for purposes of the presumptive eligibility for children option
- Section 5111.02 - [Renumbered as 5164.02] Rules establishing amount, duration and scope of services
- Section 5111.021 - [Renumbered as 5164.70] Reimbursement of providers
- Section 5111.022 - [Renumbered as 5164.56] Lien for amount owed by provider
- Section 5111.023 - [Renumbered as 5164.15] Mental health services
- Section 5111.024 - [Renumbered as 5164.08]
- Section 5111.025 - [Renumbered as 5164.76] Manner of payment for community mental health facilities and alcohol and drug addiction services
- Section 5111.027 - [Renumbered as 5164.20] Medicaid not to cover drugs for erectile dysfunction
- Section 5111.028 - [Renumbered as 5164.32] Time-limited medicaid provider agreements
- Section 5111.029 - [Renumbered as 5164.06] Medicaid coverage of occupational therapy services
- Section 5111.0210 - [Renumbered as 5164.92] Advanced diagnostic imaging services availability under medicaid program
- Section 5111.0211 - [Renumbered as 5165.48] Nursing facility not required to submit Medicaid claim for Medicare cost-sharing expenses under certain circumstances
- Section 5111.0212 - [Renumbered as 5164.80] Public notice for changes to medicaid reimbursement rate for medical assistance
- Section 5111.0213 - [Renumbered as 5164.77] Adjustment of medicaid payments; payment for aide or nursing services
- Section 5111.0214 - [Renumbered as 5164.82] Payment for provider-preventable condition
- Section 5111.0215 - [Renumbered as 5164.93] Incentive payments for adoption and use of electronic health record technology
- Section 5111.03 - [Renumbered as 5164.35] Provider offenses
- Section 5111.031 - [Renumbered as 5164.37]
- Section 5111.032 - [Renumbered as 5164.34]
- Section 5111.033 - [Renumbered as 5164.342]
- Section 5111.034 - [Renumbered as 5164.341]
- Section 5111.035 - [Renumbered as 5164.36]
- Section 5111.04 - [Renumbered as 5164.05] Outpatient health facilities
- Section 5111.041 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.042 - [Renumbered as 5164.25] Recipient with developmental disability who is eligible for medicaid case management services
- Section 5111.05 - [Renumbered as 5164.45] Contracts for examination, processing, and determination of medical assistance claims
- Section 5111.051 - [Renumbered as 5164.48] Medical assistance payments made to organization on behalf of providers
- Section 5111.052 - [Renumbered as 5164.46] Electronic claims submission process; electronic fund transfers
- Section 5111.053 - [Renumbered as 5164.301] Medicaid provider agreements for physician assistants
- Section 5111.054 - [Renumbered as 5164.47] Contracting for review and analysis, quality assurance and quality review
- Section 5111.06 - [Renumbered as 5164.38] Adjudication orders of department
- Section 5111.061 - [Renumbered as 5164.57] Recovery of medicaid overpayments
- Section 5111.062 - [Renumbered as 5164.39] Hearing not required unless timely requested
- Section 5111.063 - [Renumbered as 5164.31] Funding for implementing the provider screening requirements
- Section 5111.07 - [Renumbered as 5164.752] Determining maximum dispensing fee
- Section 5111.071 - [Renumbered as 5164.753] Dispensing fee
- Section 5111.08 - [Renumbered as 5164.759] Outpatient drug use review program
- Section 5111.081 - [Renumbered as 5164.755] Supplemental drug rebate program
- Section 5111.082 - [Renumbered as 5164.751] State maximum allowable cost program
- Section 5111.083 - [Renumbered as 5164.757] E-prescribing system
- Section 5111.084 - [Renumbered as 5164.7510] Pharmacy and therapeutics committee
- Section 5111.085 - [Renumbered as 5164.758] Adoption of rules for implementation of coordinated services program for medicaid users who abuse prescription drugs
- Section 5111.086 - [Renumbered as 5164.75] Medicaid payment for a drug subject to a federal upper reimbursement limit
- Section 5111.09 - [Renumbered as 5162.13] Annual report
- Section 5111.091 - [Renumbered as 5162.131] Quarterly reports on controlling increase in costs
- Section 5111.092 - [Renumbered as 5162.132] Annual report outlining efforts to minimize medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse
- Section 5111.10 - [Renumbered as 5162.10] Review of medicaid program - corrective action - sanctions
- Section 5111.101 - [Renumbered as 5162.15] Information required where annual medicaid payments exceed $5 million
- Section 5111.102 - [Renumbered as 5162.04] No state cause of action to enforce federal laws
- Section 5111.11 - [Renumbered as 5162.21] Estate recovery program
- Section 5111.111 - [Renumbered as 5162.211] Lien against property of recipient or spouse as part of estate recovery program
- Section 5111.112 - [Renumbered as 5162.212] Certification of amounts due under estate recovery program - collection
- Section 5111.113 - [Renumbered as 5162.22] Transfer of personal needs allowance account
- Section 5111.114 - [Renumbered as 5163.33] Deducting personal needs allowance from recipient's income
- Section 5111.12 - [Renumbered as 5162.23] Recovering benefits incorrectly paid
- Section 5111.121 - [Renumbered as 5162.24] Recovering health care costs provided to child
- Section 5111.13 - [Renumbered as 5164.85] Enrolling in group health plan
- Section 5111.14 - [Renumbered as 5164.88] Coordinated care through health homes
- Section 5111.141 - [Renumbered as 5164.89] Case management of nonemergency transportation services
- Section 5111.15 - [Renumbered as 5163.20] Beneficiary of disability trust
- Section 5111.151 - [Renumbered as 5163.21] Eligibility determinations for cases involving medicaid programs
- Section 5111.16 - [Renumbered as 5167.03] Care management system
- Section 5111.161 - [Renumbered as 5167.031] Recognition of pediatric accountable care organizations
- Section 5111.162 - [Renumbered as 5167.20] Reference by managed care organization to noncontracting participant
- Section 5111.163 - [Renumbered as 5167.201] Payment of nonsystem provider for emergency services
- Section 5111.17 - [Renumbered as 5167.10] Managed care system
- Section 5111.171 - [Renumbered as 5167.31] Financial incentive awards
- Section 5111.172 - [Renumbered as 5167.12] Requiring coverage of prescription drugs for medicaid recipients
- Section 5111.173 - [Renumbered as 5167.40] Appointment of temporary manager
- Section 5111.174 - [Renumbered as 5167.41] Disenrolling some or all medicaid recipients enrolled in managed care organization under contract
- Section 5111.175 - [Renumbered as 5167.26] Records for determining costs
- Section 5111.176 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.177 - [Renumbered as 5167.11] Health insuring corporation contract to provide grievance process
- Section 5111.178 - [Renumbered as 5167.25] Application for federal medicaid requirements waiver
- Section 5111.179 - [Renumbered as 5167.13] Contracts with managed care organizations; Implementation of coordinated services program for medicaid recipients who abuse prescription drugs
- Section 5111.1710 - [Renumbered as 5167.14] Security agreements for managed care organization's use of drug database
- Section 5111.1711 - [Renumbered as 5167.30] Managed care performance payment program
- Section 5111.18 - [Renumbered as 5164.86] Qualified long-term care insurance partnership program
- Section 5111.181 - [Renumbered as 5163.22] Life insurance policies
- Section 5111.19 - [Renumbered as 5164.74] Reimbursement of graduate medical education costs
- Section 5111.191 - [Renumbered as 5164.741] Payment for graduate medical education costs to noncontracting hospitals
- Section 5111.20 - [Renumbered as 5165.01] Definitions
- Section 5111.201 - [Renumbered as 5165.011] Nursing facility references
- Section 5111.202 - [Renumbered as 5165.03] Admission of mentally ill person to nursing facility
- Section 5111.203 - [Renumbered as 5165.031] Hearing
- Section 5111.204 - [Renumbered as 5165.04] Assessment to determine level of care
- Section 5111.205 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.21 - [Renumbered as 5165.06] Paying reasonable costs of services provided by eligible facility
- Section 5111.211 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.212 - [Renumbered as 5165.35] Payments made to facility for services provided after involuntary termination
- Section 5111.22 - [Renumbered as 5165.07] Provider agreement requirements
- Section 5111.221 - [Renumbered as 5165.37] Calculating rates and making payments
- Section 5111.222 - [Renumbered as 5165.15] Calculation of payments to nursing facility providers; quality bonus
- Section 5111.223 - [Renumbered as 5165.071] Facility operator may contract with more than one provider
- Section 5111.224 - [Renumbered as 5124.15] Amount of payments to intermediate care facility pursuant to provider agreement
- Section 5111.225 - [Renumbered as 5165.155] Amount of payments for dual eligible individuals
- Section 5111.226 - [Renumbered as 5124.02] Assumption of powers and duties regarding medicaid program's coverage of services provided by intermediate care facilities
- Section 5111.23 - [Renumbered as 5124.19] Paying per resident per day rate for direct care costs
- Section 5111.231 - [Renumbered as 5165.19] Per resident per day rate for direct care costs
- Section 5111.232 - [Renumbered as 5165.192] Case-mix scores for nursing facilities
- Section 5111.233 - [Renumbered as 5124.194] Day programming
- Section 5111.235 - [Renumbered as 5124.23] Per resident per day rate for other protected costs
- Section 5111.236 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.24 - [Renumbered as 5165.16] Per resident per day rate for ancillary and support costs
- Section 5111.241 - [Renumbered as 5124.21] Per resident per day rate for indirect care costs - intermediate care facility
- Section 5111.242 - [Renumbered as 5165.21] Per resident per day rate for tax costs
- Section 5111.243 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.244 - [Renumbered as 5165.25] Quality incentive payments for qualifying nursing facilities
- Section 5111.245 - [Renumbered as 5165.26] Payment of quality bonus
- Section 5111.246 - [Renumbered as 5165.23] Critical access incentive payments to qualified facilities
- Section 5111.25 - [Renumbered as 5165.17] Per resident per day rate for reasonable capital costs
- Section 5111.251 - [Renumbered as 5124.17] Per resident per day rate for reasonable capital costs - intermediate care facility
- Section 5111.252 - Amended and Renumbered RC 5123.199
- Section 5111.254 - [Renumbered as 5165.151] Initial rates for nursing facility with first licensure date after June 30, 2006
- Section 5111.255 - [Renumbered as 5124.151] Initial rates for intermediate care facility
- Section 5111.257 - [Renumbered as 5165.28] Rate for added, replaced, or renovated beds
- Section 5111.258 - [Renumbered as 5165.153] Calculating prospective rates for facilities with residents whose care costs are not otherwise adequately measured
- Section 5111.259 - [Renumbered as 5165.156] Centers of excellence component
- Section 5111.26 - [Renumbered as 5165.10] Annual cost report
- Section 5111.261 - [Renumbered as 5165.107] Amendments to cost reports
- Section 5111.262 - [Renumbered as 5165.47] Claim for medicaid reimbursement for service provided to nursing facility resident
- Section 5111.263 - [Renumbered as 5124.29] Limiting compensation of owners, their relatives, administrators, and resident meals outside facility
- Section 5111.264 - [Renumbered as 5165.30] Related party costs to pass through
- Section 5111.265 - [Renumbered as 5165.29] Cost of operating rights for relocated beds not allowable cost
- Section 5111.266 - [Renumbered as 5165.101] Cost of franchise permit fee not reimbursable expense
- Section 5111.27 - [Renumbered as 5165.108] Desk review of cost report
- Section 5111.271 - [Renumbered as 5165.1010] Nursing facility fines
- Section 5111.28 - [Renumbered as 5165.40] Refund of certain payments by operators
- Section 5111.29 - [Renumbered as 5165.38] Reconsideration of rate
- Section 5111.291 - [Renumbered as 5124.154] Computing rate for intermediate care facilities
- Section 5111.30 - [Renumbered as 5165.073] Termination for non-compliance with installation of fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems
- Section 5111.31 - [Renumbered as 5165.08] Provider agreement to prohibit certain discriminatory actions
- Section 5111.32 - [Renumbered as 5165.081] Action against facility for breach of provider agreement or other duties
- Section 5111.33 - [Renumbered as 5124.34] Reserving bed during temporary absence of resident
- Section 5111.331 - [Renumbered as 5165.34] Payments made to reserve bed during temporary absence
- Section 5111.34 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.341 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.35 - [Renumbered as 5165.60] Nursing facility deficiency definitions
- Section 5111.36 - [Renumbered as 5165.61] Adoption of rules
- Section 5111.37 - [Renumbered as 5165.62] Enforcement of rules
- Section 5111.38 - [Renumbered as 5165.63] Contracts with state agencies for enforcement
- Section 5111.39 - [Renumbered as 5165.64] Annual standard surveys
- Section 5111.40 - [Renumbered as 5165.65] Exit interview with administrator
- Section 5111.41 - [Renumbered as 5165.66] Citations for failure to comply with one or more certification requirements
- Section 5111.411 - [Renumbered as 5165.67] Survey results
- Section 5111.42 - [Renumbered as 5165.68] Statement of deficiencies
- Section 5111.43 - [Renumbered as 5165.69] Plan of correction
- Section 5111.44 - [Renumbered as 5165.70] On-site monitoring
- Section 5111.45 - [Renumbered as 5165.71] Deficiencies not substantially corrected
- Section 5111.46 - [Renumbered as 5165.72] Uncorrected deficiencies constituting severity level four findings
- Section 5111.47 - [Renumbered as 5165.73] Uncorrected deficiencies constituting severity level three and scope level three or four findings
- Section 5111.48 - [Renumbered as 5165.74] Uncorrected deficiencies constituting severity level one or two or severity level three, scope level two finding
- Section 5111.49 - [Renumbered as 5165.75] Imposing remedies and fines
- Section 5111.50 - [Renumbered as 5165.76] Fine collected if termination order does not take effect
- Section 5111.51 - [Renumbered as 5165.77] Emergency remedies
- Section 5111.511 - [Renumbered as 5165.78] Appointment of temporary resident safety assurance manager
- Section 5111.52 - [Renumbered as 5165.79] Terminating provider agreements
- Section 5111.53 - [Renumbered as 5165.80] Transfer of residents to other appropriate care settings
- Section 5111.54 - [Renumbered as 5165.81] Qualifications of temporary manager of nursing facility
- Section 5111.55 - [Renumbered as 5165.82] Residents to whom denial of medicaid payments applies
- Section 5111.56 - [Renumbered as 5165.83] Fines
- Section 5111.57 - [Renumbered as 5165.84] Order denying payment when deficiency is not corrected within time limits
- Section 5111.58 - [Renumbered as 5165.85] Termination of participation for failure to correct deficiency within six months
- Section 5111.59 - [Renumbered as 5165.86] Delivery of notices
- Section 5111.60 - [Renumbered as 5165.87] Appeals
- Section 5111.61 - [Renumbered as 5165.88] Confidentiality
- Section 5111.62 - [Renumbered as 5162.66] Residents protection fund
- Section 5111.63 - [Renumbered as 5165.89] Hearing on transfer or discharge of resident who medicaid or medicare beneficiary
- Section 5111.65 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.651 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.66 - [Renumbered as 5165.50] Notice of facility closure, termination, or withdrawal of participation
- Section 5111.661 - [Renumbered as 5165.501] Compliance with Social Security Act required
- Section 5111.67 - [Renumbered as 5165.51] Operator notice of intent to continue participation
- Section 5111.671 - [Renumbered as 5165.511] Provider agreement with entering operator
- Section 5111.672 - [Renumbered as 5165.512] Effective date of provider agreement with entering operator
- Section 5111.673 - [Renumbered as 5165.513] Entering operator duties under provider agreement
- Section 5111.674 - [Renumbered as 5165.514] Exiting operator deemed operator pending change
- Section 5111.675 - [Renumbered as 5165.515] Provider agreement with operator not complying with prior agreement
- Section 5111.676 - [Renumbered as 5165.516] Medicaid reimbursement adjustments - change of operator
- Section 5111.677 - [Renumbered as 5165.517] Determination of change of operator - excluded factors
- Section 5111.68 - [Renumbered as 5165.52] Overpayment amounts determined following notice of closure, etc
- Section 5111.681 - [Renumbered as 5165.521] Withholding from medicaid payment due exiting operator
- Section 5111.682 - [Renumbered as 5165.522] Cost report by exiting operator - waiver
- Section 5111.683 - [Renumbered as 5165.523] Failure to file cost report - payments deemed overpayments
- Section 5111.684 - [Renumbered as 5165.524] Final payment withheld pending receipt of cost reports
- Section 5111.685 - [Renumbered as 5165.525] Determination of debt of exiting operator - summary report
- Section 5111.686 - [Renumbered as 5165.526] Release of amount withheld less amounts owed
- Section 5111.687 - [Renumbered as 5165.527] Release of amount withheld on postponement of change of operator
- Section 5111.688 - [Renumbered as 5165.528] Disposition of amounts withheld from payment due an exiting operator
- Section 5111.689 - [Renumbered as 5165.53] Adoption of rules
- Section 5111.70 - [Renumbered as 5163.09] Medicaid buy-in for workers with disabilities program
- Section 5111.701 - [Renumbered as 5163.091] Qualifications for assistance under program
- Section 5111.702 - [Renumbered as 5163.092] Resource eligibility limit - annual adjustment
- Section 5111.703 - [Renumbered as 5163.093] Individual income eligibility limit
- Section 5111.704 - [Renumbered as 5163.094] Amount of annual individual premium
- Section 5111.705 - [Renumbered as 5163.095] Eligibility not denied due to RC 5111.851 services
- Section 5111.706 - [Renumbered as 5163.096] Continued participation where employment ceases
- Section 5111.707 - [Renumbered as 5163.097] Director to make federally required amendments
- Section 5111.708 - [Renumbered as 5163.098] Program implementing rules - disregarded income
- Section 5111.709 - [Renumbered as 5163.099] Medicaid buy-in advisory council
- Section 5111.7010 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.7011 - [Renumbered as 5163.0910] Annual program report - distribution - contents
- Section 5111.71 - [Renumbered as 5162.36] Plan amendment for medicaid school component
- Section 5111.711 - [Renumbered as 5162.361] Claim by qualified medicaid school provider
- Section 5111.712 - [Renumbered as 5162.362] Federal financial participation for medicaid school claims
- Section 5111.713 - [Renumbered as 5162.363] Administration of medicaid school component
- Section 5111.714 - [Renumbered as 5162.64] Medicaid school program administrative fund
- Section 5111.715 - [Renumbered as 5162.364] Implementing rules for medicaid school component
- Section 5111.74 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.75 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.76 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.77, 5111.771 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.78 to 5111.80 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.81 - Amended and Renumbered to RC 5111.085
- Section 5111.811 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.82 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.83 - [Renumbered as 5162.30] Application for reimbursement under medicaid administrative claiming program
- Section 5111.84 - [Renumbered as 5166.03] Notice of intent to request medicaid waiver
- Section 5111.85 - [Renumbered as 5166.02] Medicaid waiver components
- Section 5111.851 - [Renumbered as 5166.04] Home and community-based services medicaid waiver components
- Section 5111.852 - [Renumbered as 5166.05] Review of plans of care and individual service plans
- Section 5111.853 - [Renumbered as 5166.06] Agency records of costs of medicaid waiver components
- Section 5111.854 - [Renumbered as 5166.07] Agency accountable for medicaid waiver components funds
- Section 5111.855 - [Renumbered as 5166.08] Agency contracting for medicaid waiver components - assurance of compliance
- Section 5111.856 - [Renumbered as 5166.10] Transfer of enrollee in one medicaid waiver component to another
- Section 5111.86 - [Renumbered as 5166.11] Creation of medicaid home and community-based services programs to replace former programs
- Section 5111.861 - [Renumbered as 5166.12] Ohio home care program
- Section 5111.862 - [Renumbered as 5166.121] Home first component for the Ohio home care program
- Section 5111.863 - [Renumbered as 5166.13] Ohio transitions II aging carve-out program
- Section 5111.864 - [Renumbered as 5166.14] Unified long-term services and support medicaid waiver component
- Section 5111.865 - [Renumbered as 5166.141] Home first component for unified long-term services and support medicaid waiver program
- Section 5111.87 - [Renumbered as 5166.20] Medicaid waivers
- Section 5111.871 - [Renumbered as 5166.21] Alternative to intermediate care facility for developmentally disabled
- Section 5111.872 - [Renumbered as 5166.22] Allocating enrollment numbers to county board of developmental disabilities
- Section 5111.873 - [Renumbered as 5166.23] Reimbursement for home and community-based services provided under component of the medicaid program
- Section 5111.874 - [Renumbered as 5124.60] Conversion of beds to home and community-based services
- Section 5111.875 - [Renumbered as 5124.61] Conversion of beds in acquired intermediate care facility
- Section 5111.876 - [Renumbered as 5124.62] Request for federal approval of conversion of beds
- Section 5111.877 - [Renumbered as 5124.63] Maximum number of beds approved
- Section 5111.878 - [Renumbered as 5124.64] Maximum number of beds converted
- Section 5111.879 - [Renumbered as 5124.65] Reconversion of beds to ICF/MR use
- Section 5111.8710 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.88 - [Renumbered as 5166.30] Federal medicaid waivers authorizing components covering home care attendant services
- Section 5111.881 - [Renumbered as 5166.301] Home care attendant services providers
- Section 5111.882 - [Renumbered as 5166.302] Continuing education requirements for home care attendants
- Section 5111.883 - [Renumbered as 5166.303] Responsibilities of home care attendants
- Section 5111.884 - [Renumbered as 5166.304] Nursing assistance by home care attendants
- Section 5111.885 - [Renumbered as 5166.305] Nursing assistance by home care attendants - consent and authorization
- Section 5111.886 - [Renumbered as 5166.306]
- Section 5111.887 - [Renumbered as 5166.307] Nursing assistance by home care attendants - written statement of authorization
- Section 5111.888 - [Renumbered as 5166.308] Nursing assistance by home care attendants - unauthorized actions
- Section 5111.889 - [Renumbered as 5166.309] Practice of nursing as registered nurse or licensed practical nurse not allowed by home care attendants
- Section 5111.8810 - [Renumbered as 5166.3010] Authorized representative
- Section 5111.8811 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8812 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8813 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8814 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8815 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8816 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.8817 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.89 - [Renumbered as 173.54] Assisted living program
- Section 5111.891 - [Renumbered as 173.541] Eligibility for assisted living program
- Section 5111.892 - [Renumbered as 173.544] Eligibility requirements for state-funded component of assisted living program
- Section 5111.893 - [Renumbered as 173.547] Staff requirements for assisted living program facility
- Section 5111.894 - [Renumbered as 173.542] Home first component of the assisted living program
- Section 5111.90 - [Renumbered as 5162.32] Contracts with political subdivisions to pay nonfederal share
- Section 5111.91 - [Renumbered as 5162.35] Contracts for administration of components
- Section 5111.911 - [Renumbered as 5162.37] Contract approval required
- Section 5111.912 - [Renumbered as 5162.371] Department of mental health payment of nonfederal share of medicaid payment
- Section 5111.913 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.914 - [Renumbered as 5164.58] Agency action to recover overpayment to provider
- Section 5111.915 - [Renumbered as 5162.11] Contract for data collection and warehouse functions assessment
- Section 5111.92 - [Renumbered as 5162.40] Retaining or collecting percentage of federal financial participation
- Section 5111.93 - [Renumbered as 5162.41] Retaining or collecting percentage of supplemental payment
- Section 5111.94 - [Renumbered as 5162.54] Health care services administration fund
- Section 5111.941 - [Renumbered as 5162.52] Health care/medicaid support and recoveries fund
- Section 5111.942 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.943 - [Renumbered as 5162.50] Health care-federal fund
- Section 5111.944 - [Renumbered as 5162.58] Integrated care delivery systems fund
- Section 5111.945 - [Renumbered as 5162.56] Health care special activities fund
- Section 5111.946 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.95 - Amended and Renumbered RC 5111.033
- Section 5111.96 - [Renumbered as 5164.90] Transition of medicaid recipients to community settings
- Section 5111.97 - [Renumbered as 5166.35] Ohio access success project
- Section 5111.971 - [Repealed]
- Section 5111.98 - [Renumbered as 5162.031] Powers of director regarding Medicare Prescription Act of 2003
- Section 5111.981 - [Renumbered as 5164.91] Demonstration project to evaluate integration of care dual eligible individuals receive
- Section 5111.982 - [Renumbered as 5167.21]
- Section 5111.99 - [Renumbered as 5165.99] Penalty