Ohio Rev. Code § 4981.35
The "Interstate High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Network Compact" is hereby ratified, enacted into law and entered into by the state of Ohio with all other states legally joining therein the form substantially as follows:
Because the beneficial service of and profitability of a high speed intercity rail passenger system would be enhanced by establishing such a system which would operate across state lines, it is the policy of the states party to this compact to cooperate and share jointly the administrative and financial responsibilities of preparing a feasibility study concerning the operation of such a system connecting major cities in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, and Kentucky.
The states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, and Kentucky, hereinafter referred to as participating states, agree to, upon adoption of this compact by the respective states, jointly conduct and participate in a high speed intercity rail passenger feasibility study by providing such information and data as is available and may be requested by a participating state or any consulting firms representing a participating state or the compact. It is mutually understood by the participating states that such information shall not include matters not of public record or of a nature considered to be privileged and confidential unless the state providing such information agrees to waive the confidentiality.
The participating states further agree to:
There is hereby created an interstate rail passenger advisory council, the membership of which shall consist of two representatives from each participating state, one representative from each state shall hold a bachelor of science degree in either engineering or transportation science, and shall be appointed by the governor of the participating state and the other shall be the chairman of the state's railroad authority, but in the event said state does not have a railroad authority, the second member shall be the director of the participating state's transportation agency. The members shall select designees who shall serve in the absence of the members. The advisory council shall meet within thirty days after ratification of this agreement by at least two participating states and establish rules for the conduct of the advisory council's business.
The advisory council shall coordinate all aspects of the high speed intercity rail passenger feasibility study relative to interstate connections and shall do all other things necessary and proper for the completion of the feasibility study.
This compact shall become effective upon the adoption of the compact into law by two or more of the participating states. Thereafter, it shall enter into force and effect as to any other participating state upon the enactment thereof by such state.
This compact shall continue in force with respect to a participating state and remain binding upon such state until six months after such state has given notice to each other participating state of the repeal thereof. Such withdrawal shall not be construed to relieve any participating state from any obligation incurred prior to the end of the state's participation in the compact as provided herein.
This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any participating state or of the United States, or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any participating state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters."
R.C. § 4981.35