Section 4981.33 - Review and monitoring of franchisee(A) The Ohio rail development commission shall review all plans and specifications of a franchisee for its portion of a rail system to ensure that the plans and specifications conform to commission standards, and shall inspect and approve the construction of all portions of the rail system. The commission shall assume responsibility for and indemnify any franchisee for third-party claims arising out of franchisee design and construction activities performed without fault that have been reviewed and approved by the commission.(B) The commission shall monitor maintenance practices of a franchisee or its operator to secure and maintain safety and efficiency in the operation of those portions of the rail system operated by the franchisee.(C) All rules adopted by the commission affecting the rail system or franchises shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.(D) The commission shall not regulate rates and fares a franchisee charges for its portion of the rail system.(E) The commission may require a franchisee to furnish to the commission data sufficient to enable it to verify the franchisee's compliance with all terms of its franchise agreement.(F) Except for rules adopted by the commission or the franchisee pursuant to sections 4981.28 to 4981.34 of the Revised Code, the laws of this state relating to rail carriers apply to all portions of the rail system, and the powers of arrest of law enforcement officers on and around any portion of the rail system are the same there as elsewhere in the state.Effective Date: 10/20/1994 .