Ohio Rev. Code § 3745.01
There is hereby created the environmental protection agency, headed by the director of environmental protection. The agency, under the supervision of the director, shall administer the laws pertaining to chemical emergency planning, community right-to-know, and toxic chemical release reporting; the cessation of chemical handling operations; the prevention, control, and abatement of air and water pollution; public water supply; comprehensive water resource management planning; products that contain mercury as defined in section 3734.61 of the Revised Code; and the disposal and treatment of solid wastes, infectious wastes, construction and demolition debris, hazardous waste, sewage, industrial waste, and other wastes. The director may do all of the following:
The agency shall utilize the laboratory facilities of the department of health and other state institutions and agencies to the maximum extent that the utilization is practicable, economical, and technically satisfactory.
The director shall maintain and keep available for public inspection, at the director's principal office, a current register of all applications filed for permits, leases, licenses, variances, certificates, and approval of plans and specifications and of publicly owned treatment works pretreatment programs under the director's jurisdiction, hearings pending, the director's final action thereon, and the dates on which the filings, hearings, and final actions occur. The director shall maintain and keep available for public inspection at the director's principal office all plans, reports, and other documents required to be filed with the emergency response commission under Chapter 3750. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it, and all reports and other documents required to be filed with the director under Chapter 3751. of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it, subject to the requirements of those chapters and rules adopted under them for the protection of trade secrets and confidential business information from disclosure to persons not authorized under those laws to receive trade secret or confidential business information.
R.C. § 3745.01