Ohio Rev. Code § 3513.08
Each person filing a declaration of candidacy for nomination at a primary election as a candidate for election to the office of judge of the supreme court, court of appeals, court of common pleas, probate court, and such other courts as are established by law, in addition to designating in such declaration the office for election to which he seeks such nomination, shall, if two or more judges of the same court are to be elected at any one election, designate the term of the office for election to which he seeks such nomination by stating therein, if a full term, the date of the commencement of such term as follows:
"Full term commencing ______________________ (date) __________," or by stating therein, if an unexpired term, the date on which such unexpired term will end as follows: "unexpired term ending ____________________ (Date) ____________________"
Each person filing a declaration of candidacy for nomination at a primary election as a candidate for election to the office of county commissioner, in addition to designating in the declaration the office for election to which he seeks the nomination, shall, if two or more commissioners of the same county are to be elected at any one election, designate the term of the office for election to which he seeks the nomination by stating therein, if a full term, the date of the commencement of the term, as follows:
"Full term commencing _________________ (Date) ______________," or by stating therein, if an unexpired term, the date on which the unexpired term will end, as follows: "unexpired term ending _________________ (Date) ___________"
Each person filing a declaration of candidacy for nomination at a primary election as a candidate for the unexpired term of any office shall designate in such declaration the date on which such unexpired term will end.
R.C. §3513.08