Ohio Rev. Code § 307.847
After a resolution is adopted under this section, no county office shall purchase, lease, operate, or contract for the use of any automatic data processing equipment, software, or services; microfilming equipment or services; records center or archives facilities; or any other image processing or electronic data processing or record-keeping equipment, software, or services without prior approval of the board. The board may adopt such rules as it considers necessary for its operation, but no rule shall derogate the authority or responsibility of any county elected official. The board's rules may include any regulations or standards the board wishes to impose. For purposes of this section, "county office" means any officer, department, board, commission, agency, court, or other office of the county and the court of common pleas, except that in the case of microfilming equipment, "county office" does not include the county hospital when the county hospital uses microfilming to record and store for future access physical and psychiatric examinations or treatment records of its patients. The county hospital shall participate, at the request of the county automatic data processing board, in purchasing film and equipment and in entering into contracts for services for microfilming.
For purposes of succession of the functions, powers, duties, and obligations of the county records commission and the county microfilming board transferred and assigned to, devolved upon, and assumed by the county automatic data processing board under this section, the county automatic data processing board shall be deemed to constitute the continuation of the county records commission and the county microfilming board, as applicable.
Any business, proceeding, or other matter undertaken or commenced by the county records commission or the county microfilming board pertaining to or connected with the functions, powers, duties, and obligations transferred or assigned and pending on the date of the transfer of duties to the county automatic data processing board shall be conducted, prosecuted or defended, and completed by the county automatic data processing board in the same manner and with the same effect as if conducted by the county records commission or the county microfilming board. In all such actions and proceedings, the county automatic data processing board shall be substituted as a party.
All rules, acts, determinations, approvals, and decisions of the county records commission or the county microfilming board pertaining to the functions transferred and assigned under this section to the county automatic data processing board in force at the time of the transfer, assignment, assumption, or devolution shall continue in force as rules, acts, determinations, approvals, and decisions of the county automatic data processing board until duly modified or repealed by the board.
Wherever the functions, powers, duties, and obligations of the county records commission or the county microfilming board are referred to or designated in any law, contract, or other document pertaining to those functions, powers, duties, and obligations, the reference or designation shall be deemed to refer to the county automatic data processing board, as appropriate.
No existing right or remedy of any character shall be lost, impaired, or affected by reason of the transfer of duties to the county automatic data processing board, except insofar as those rights and remedies are administered by the county automatic data processing board.
The county auditor shall be the chief administrator of either centralized or decentralized facilities, as provided under section 307.844 of the Revised Code.
The county auditor shall prepare an annual estimate of the revenues and expenditures of the county automatic data processing board for the ensuing fiscal year and submit it to the board of county commissioners as provided in section 5705.28 of the Revised Code. The estimate shall be sufficient to take care of all the needs of the county automatic data processing board, including, but not limited to, salaries, rental, and purchase of equipment. The board's funds shall be disbursed by the county auditor's warrant drawn on the county treasury five days after receipt of a voucher approved by a majority of that board and by a majority of the board of county commissioners.
On the first Monday in April of each year the county auditor shall file with the county automatic data processing board and the board of county commissioners a report of the operations of each center and a statement of each center's receipts and expenditures during the preceding calendar year.
R.C. § 307.847