Section 2313.22 - Compensation of jurors(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed. Renumbered from § 2313.34 and amended by 129th General Assembly, HB 268, §1, eff. 5/22/2012.