Chapter 2151 - JUVENILE COURT
- Section 2151.01 - Liberal interpretation and construction
- Section 2151.011 - Juvenile court definitions
- Section 2151.02, 2151.021 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.022 - Unruly child defined
- Section 2151.03 - Neglected child defined - failure to provide medical or surgical care for religious reasons
- Section 2151.031 - Abused child defined
- Section 2151.04 - Dependent child defined
- Section 2151.05 - Child without proper parental care
- Section 2151.06 - Residence or legal settlement
- Section 2151.07 - Powers and jurisdiction of juvenile court
- Section 2151.08 - Juvenile court in Hamilton county
- Section 2151.09 - Separate building and site may be purchased or leased
- Section 2151.10 - County appropriations for expenses of court
- Section 2151.11 - Amended and Renumbered RC 2152.73
- Section 2151.12 - Clerk - bond - judge as clerk
- Section 2151.13 - Employees - compensation - bond
- Section 2151.14 - Duties and powers of probation department - records - command assistance
- Section 2151.141 - Written request for records relating to alleged abused, neglected or dependent child
- Section 2151.142 - Residential addresses of personnel of public children services agency or a private child placing agency to be confidential information
- Section 2151.15 - Powers and duties vested in county department of probation
- Section 2151.151 - Contract for supervisory and other services for children on probation
- Section 2151.152 - Reimbursement of court from department of job and family services for costs of children in custody of court
- Section 2151.16 - Referees - powers and duties
- Section 2151.17 - Rules of juvenile court
- Section 2151.18 - Court records - annual report - copies for distribution
- Section 2151.19 - Summons - expense
- Section 2151.20 - Seal of court - dimensions
- Section 2151.21 - Jurisdiction in contempt
- Section 2151.211 - Employer may not penalize employee for being subpoenaed before juvenile court
- Section 2151.22 - Terms of court - sessions
- Section 2151.23 - Jurisdiction of juvenile court
- Section 2151.231 - Order requiring support of child without regard to marital status of child's parents
- Section 2151.232 - Order requiring support of child where acknowledgment of parentage is not yet final
- Section 2151.233 - Jurisdiction of juvenile court
- Section 2151.234 - Construction of R.C. 2151.233
- Section 2151.235 - Transfer of jurisdiction
- Section 2151.236 - Orders affecting child subject to support order by common pleas court
- Section 2151.24 - Separate room for hearings
- Section 2151.25 - Court order to interview and examine a child
- Section 2151.26 - Complaint regarding drug use by expectant mother
- Section 2151.27 - Complaint involving child
- Section 2151.271 - Transfer to juvenile court of child's residence
- Section 2151.272 - Release or transfer of records for child who is alleged or adjudicated an abused, neglected, or dependent child
- Section 2151.28 - Adjudicatory hearing - determining shelter care placement
- Section 2151.281 - Guardian ad litem
- Section 2151.282 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.29 - Service of summons, notices, and subpoenas - publication of summons
- Section 2151.30 - Issuance of warrant
- Section 2151.31 - Taking child into custody
- Section 2151.311 - Procedure upon taking child into custody
- Section 2151.312 - Facilities for holding unruly, neglected, abused or dependent child
- Section 2151.313 - Fingerprints, photographs require consent of juvenile judge
- Section 2151.314 - Hearing on detention or shelter care
- Section 2151.315 - Participation in extracurricular, enrichment, and social activities
- Section 2151.316 - Foster youth bill of rights
- Section 2151.32 - Selection of custodian
- Section 2151.33 - Temporary care - emergency medical treatment - reimbursement
- Section 2151.331 - Options for placement of alleged or adjudicated abused, neglected, dependent or unruly child
- Section 2151.34 - Protection order against a minor
- Section 2151.341 - Amended and Renumbered RC 2152.43
- Section 2151.342 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.343 - Amended and Renumbered RC 2152.44
- Section 2151.344 to 2151.3416 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.35 - Procedure for hearings in juvenile court
- Section 2151.351 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.352 - Right to counsel
- Section 2151.353 - Orders of disposition of abused, neglected or dependent child
- Section 2151.354 - Orders of disposition of unruly child
- Section 2151.355 - Sealing of juvenile court records - definitions
- Section 2151.356 - Sealing of juvenile court records
- Section 2151.357 - Response respecting sealed records - index - limited inspection
- Section 2151.358 - Expungement of sealed records
- Section 2151.359 - Order restraining or controlling conduct of parent, guardian, or custodian
- Section 2151.3510 - Notice to public children services agency of intended commitment order
- Section 2151.3511 - Amended and Renumbered RC 2152.81
- Section 2151.3512 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.3514 - Order requiring parent or other caregiver to submit to assessment and treatment from alcohol and drug addiction program
- Section 2151.3515 - Desertion of child under 72 hours old definitions
- Section 2151.3516 - Delivery of child by parent to persons authorized to take possession of deserted child
- Section 2151.3517 - Persons authorized to take possession of deserted child
- Section 2151.3518 - Duties upon taking possession of deserted child
- Section 2151.3519 - Duties of public children services agency upon receiving notice of deserted child
- Section 2151.3520 - [Renumbered]
- Section 2151.3521 - Emergency hearing to determine whether child is deserted child
- Section 2151.3522 - Adjudication that child is deserted child
- Section 2151.3523 - Court to treat deserted child as neglected child
- Section 2151.3524 - Agency granted temporary custody to treat deserted child as neglected child
- Section 2151.3525 - Immunity of parent and of person or entity taking possession of deserted child
- Section 2151.3526 - Parent's absolute right to anonymity
- Section 2151.3527 - Medical information forms
- Section 2151.3528 - Parent completion of medical information forms
- Section 2151.3529 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.3530 - Activities prohibited to person taking possession of deserted child
- Section 2151.3531 - DNA testing of person seeking reunification with deserted child
- Section 2151.3532 - Rules governing newborn safety incubators
- Section 2151.3533 - Supervision of newborn safety incubators
- Section 2151.3534 - [Renumbered]
- Section 2151.3535 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.36 - Support of child
- Section 2151.361 - Order requiring parents to pay support where adopted child is placed into temporary custody or committed
- Section 2151.362 - Determining school district to bear cost of educating child - change of residence
- Section 2151.37 - Institution receiving children required to make report
- Section 2151.38 - Duration of dispositional order
- Section 2151.39 - Placement of children from other states
- Section 2151.40 - Cooperation with court
- Section 2151.41 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.411 - Placing siblings together
- Section 2151.412 - Case plans
- Section 2151.413 - Motion requesting permanent custody
- Section 2151.414 - Hearing on motion requesting permanent custody
- Section 2151.415 - Motion for order of disposition upon termination of temporary custody order
- Section 2151.416 - Semiannual administrative review of case plans
- Section 2151.417 - Review of child's placement, custody arrangement or case plan
- Section 2151.418 - Amended and Renumbered RC 5103.0318
- Section 2151.419 - Court's determination as to whether agency made reasonable efforts to prevent removal or to return child safely home
- Section 2151.4115 - Definitions regarding locating and engaging kinship caregiver
- Section 2151.4116 - Intensive efforts required for locating and engaging kinship caregiver
- Section 2151.4117 - Court review of intensive efforts
- Section 2151.4118 - Court determination intensive efforts not required
- Section 2151.4119 - Findings supporting court determination
- Section 2151.4120 - Current caregiver equal to kin regarding permanency
- Section 2151.4121 - Disqualifying kin unwilling or not interested in providing permanency
- Section 2151.4122 - Continued search to locate and engage kinship caregiver permitted
- Section 2151.42 - Best interests of child - order granting legal custody
- Section 2151.421 - Reporting child abuse or neglect
- Section 2151.422 - Child living in domestic violence or homeless shelter
- Section 2151.423 - Disclosure of confidential information to protect children
- Section 2151.424 - Notice and opportunity to present evidence to foster caregiver, relative, or prospective adoptive parent
- Section 2151.425 - Children's advocacy center - definitions
- Section 2151.426 - Children's advocacy center - memorandum of understanding
- Section 2151.427 - Children's advocacy center - multidisciplinary team
- Section 2151.428 - Children's advocacy center - interagency agreement
- Section 2151.429 - Traditional and alternative response pathways
- Section 2151.4210 - Child abuse or neglect investigation relating to armed forces
- Section 2151.4220 - Memorandum of understanding; signing
- Section 2151.4221 - Memorandum of understanding; purpose; contents
- Section 2151.4222 - Review required biennially
- Section 2151.4223 - Failure to follow procedure
- Section 2151.4225 - Review by board of county commissioners
- Section 2151.4226 - Due date for biennial review and adoption of a resolution
- Section 2151.4228 - Model memorandum of understanding
- Section 2151.4229 - Biennial audit
- Section 2151.4230 - Findings to determine compliance
- Section 2151.4231 - Compliance assurance plan
- Section 2151.4232 - When memorandum shall go into effect and supersede any previous memorandum
- Section 2151.4233 - List of counties with memorandums of understanding to be maintained on website
- Section 2151.4234 - County memorandum of understanding to be posted to website
- Section 2151.43 - Charges against adults; defendant bound over to grand jury
- Section 2151.44 - Complaint after hearing
- Section 2151.45 - Emancipated young adult and representative defined
- Section 2151.451 - Jurisdiction over emancipated young adult
- Section 2151.452 - Duties of juvenile court
- Section 2151.453 - Suspension of payments for foster care
- Section 2151.454 - Supporting documents for court determination
- Section 2151.455 - Representation
- Section 2151.46 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.47 - Renumbered RC 2152.67
- Section 2151.48 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.49 - Suspension of sentence
- Section 2151.50 - Forfeiture of bond
- Section 2151.51 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.52 - Appeals on questions of law
- Section 2151.53 - Physical and mental examinations - records of examination - expenses
- Section 2151.54 - Fees and costs
- Section 2151.541 - Computerizing court of paying cost of computerized legal research
- Section 2151.542 - Cancellation of uncollectible debts
- Section 2151.55 - Communicating intended placement to foster caregiver in another county and school district
- Section 2151.551 - Contents of communication to foster caregiver in another county and school district
- Section 2151.552 - Written information to foster caregiver in another county and school district
- Section 2151.553 - School district procedure for receiving information
- Section 2151.554 - Information to juvenile court in county other than county of residence
- Section 2151.56 - Interstate compact for juveniles
- Section 2151.57 - Definitions for RC sections 2151.57 to 2151.59
- Section 2151.58 - Appointment of compact administrator
- Section 2151.59 - Administration by department of youth services
- Section 2151.60 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.61 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.62 - Amended and Renumbered RC 2152.72
- Section 2151.65 - Single-county and joint-county juvenile facilities for training, treatment, and rehabilitation
- Section 2151.651 - Application for state assistance for juvenile facilities
- Section 2151.652 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.653 - Program of education for youths admitted to school, forestry camp, or other facility
- Section 2151.654 - Agreement other county
- Section 2151.655 - Issuing general obligation securities - joint district financing agreements
- Section 2151.66 - Assessment of taxes for expense
- Section 2151.67 - Receipt and use of gifts and bequests
- Section 2151.68 - Appointment of district boards of trustees by joint board of county commissioners
- Section 2151.69 - Organization of district board of trustees
- Section 2151.70 - Superintendent and other personnel
- Section 2151.71 - Operation of district facilities same as county facilities
- Section 2151.72 - Site selection
- Section 2151.73 - Apportioned representation on board of trustees
- Section 2151.74 - Removing a trustee
- Section 2151.75 - Delegation of powers and duties to board of trustees
- Section 2151.76 - Joint board of county commissioners has authority for choice, construction and furnishing of facility
- Section 2151.77 - Expenses paid by each county
- Section 2151.78 - County withdrawing from district
- Section 2151.79 - Fiscal officer of district
- Section 2151.80 - Expenses of board members
- Section 2151.81 - Independent living services definitions
- Section 2151.82 - Services to be based on evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of child
- Section 2151.83 - Jointly prepared written agreement with young adult to provide independent living services
- Section 2151.84 - Department of job and family services to establish model agreements
- Section 2151.85 - Unmarried, unemancipated minor may seek abortion without notice to parent, guardian or custodian
- Section 2151.86 - Criminal records check
- Section 2151.861 - [Repealed]
- Section 2151.87 - Prohibiting child from possessing, using, purchasing or receiving tobacco products
- Section 2151.88 - Immunity from liability for damage resulting from forcible entry of a motor vehicle for purpose of removing a minor
- Section 2151.90 - Definitions for sections 2151.90 to 2151.9011
- Section 2151.901 - Alteration by court of host family agreement
- Section 2151.9010 - Host family not subject to certification or supervision
- Section 2151.9011 - Duty to report actual or threatened harm
- Section 2151.902 - Hosting may not be basis of complaint by agency
- Section 2151.903 - Presumption; rebuttal
- Section 2151.904 - Information provided to qualified organization
- Section 2151.906 - Felony conviction
- Section 2151.907 - Confidentiality of records check
- Section 2151.908 - Policies and procedures for employees
- Section 2151.909 - Policies and procedures for host families; Training
- Section 2151.99 - Penalty