Section 1546.31 - Doris Duke Woods timber restriction(A) The "Doris Duke Woods" is hereby designated within the Malabar state park in Richland county to honor Doris Duke's pioneering contributions to conservation at Malabar state park and across the nation.(B) The "Doris Duke Woods" consists of one hundred twenty contiguous acres of Malabar state park's most mature hardwood forest located between Bromfield road and state route number ninety-five. (C) The department of natural resources shall not remove or allow any person or governmental entity to remove timber from the "Doris Duke Woods," except for normal maintenance purposes. Added by 134th General Assembly, HB 110,§101.01, eff. 9/30/2021.Repealed by 131st General Assembly, HB 471,§2, eff. 12/19/2016.Renumbered from § 1541.41 by 131st General Assembly, SB 293,§1, eff. 9/14/2016.Effective Date: 03-18-1969 .