Ohio Rev. Code § 1546.14
The chief of the division of parks and watercraft, with the approval of the director of natural resources, the attorney general, and the governor, may make leases to parties making application for leases granting permission to take and remove halite from beneath the surface of Headlands state park in Lake county, and coal by underground mining methods from beneath the surface of Jefferson state park in Jefferson county and from beneath the surface of Burr Oak state park in Athens and Morgan counties pursuant to lease agreements and real estate transactions that have been entered into not later than January 1, 2011, if the chief finds that such taking and removal will in no way affect the surface of the land or the use of the land as a public park. As the chief deems in the best interest of the state, those leases may be made either upon a royalty or rental basis, and may be either for a term of years or until the economic extraction of the mineral covered by the lease has been completed. Upon request from the lessee of any such lease, the chief may consent to its cancellation, but any equipment or improvement thereon owned by the lessee may be held as security by the chief for payment of all rentals, royalties, and damages due the state at the time of cancellation.
R.C. § 1546.14