Ohio Rev. Code § 1503.34
The chief of the division of forestry, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may enter into lease agreements for the rental of concessions or the operation of other lands or facilities located within state-owned forests or on other property under the control and administration of the division. For the purposes of this section, a concessionaire may be any person.
The chief may establish and collect fees for the use of and admission to state forest lands and facilities, the amount of concession rentals, and fees for other special projects on lands and waters under the control and administration of the division and may regulate the sale of tangible objects through contracts between the division and concessionaires. All moneys received as user fees, from concession rentals, and from fees for other special projects shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the state forest fund created in section 1503.05 of the Revised Code.
R.C. §1503.34