Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 153.01 - Architect must submit accurate plans, estimates, bills of materials, and details to scale
- Section 153.011 - Using domestic steel products in state supported projects
- Section 153.012 - Preference to contractors having principal place of business in Ohio
- Section 153.013 - Capitol square review and advisory board - indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract
- Section 153.02 - Debarment of contractor from contract awards
- Section 153.03 - Contracts to require drug-free workplace program
- Section 153.031 - RC 15303 requirements limited to state improvements
- Section 153.04 - Forms for providing bidding information - life-cycle costs
- Section 153.05 - Actions to enforce bond
- Section 153.06 - Form of bids
- Section 153.07 - Publishing notice of bids
- Section 153.08 - Opening bids and awarding contract
- Section 153.09 - New proposals when necessary - change in work or materials
- Section 153.10 - No change in plans without approval of owner
- Section 153.11 - Change of plans becomes part of original contract
- Section 153.12 - Awarding and executing contract
- Section 153.13 - Estimates of labor and materials - funds in escrow account
- Section 153.14 - Estimates to be filed with executive director - payment on materials delivered - payment procedure
- Section 153.15 - Assessment of asbestos hazard
- Section 153.16 - Policy and procedure guidelines for contract documents in conjunction with administration of public works contracts
- Section 153.17 - Requisition upon contractor for additional specific force or materials
- Section 153.18 - Certification of additional force or materials
- Section 153.19 - Contract shall contain provision as to time of completion
- Section 153.20 - Duty of attorney general
- Section 153.21 - Building commission
- Section 153.22 - Compensation of commissioners
- Section 153.23 - Expenses of building commission
- Section 153.24 - Oath and bond
- Section 153.25 - Vacancies
- Section 153.26 - Contracts
- Section 153.27 - Architects - superintendents - employees
- Section 153.28 - Plans, drawings, and cost estimates filed with county auditor
- Section 153.29 - Proceedings of building commission
- Section 153.30 - Record of proceedings
- Section 153.31 - Plans and estimates for construction - construction project manager or consultants
- Section 153.311 - Construction of public building in stages
- Section 153.32 - Contracts for erection and repair of superstructures
- Section 153.33 - Bids on other plans may be considered
- Section 153.34 - Contents of advertisement
- Section 153.35 - Plans shall be kept on file in county auditor's office
- Section 153.36 - Approval of plans for courthouse or jail
- Section 153.37 - Approval of plans for county home
- Section 153.38 - Approval of plans for bridge
- Section 153.39 - Approval of plans for children's home
- Section 153.40 - [Repealed]
- Section 153.41 - [Repealed]
- Section 153.42, 153.43 - [Repealed]
- Section 153.44 - Contracts submitted to prosecuting attorney
- Section 153.45 - Commissioners may annul old and make new contracts
- Section 153.46 to 153.48 - [Repealed]
- Section 153.49 - Duty of county treasurer
- Section 153.50 - Separate bids for work and materials
- Section 153.501 - Subcontracts awarded by construction manager at risk, design-build firm, or general contracting firm; utilization of design-assist firm; self-performed portions of work
- Section 153.502 - Construction management or design-build contracts; prequalification of bidders
- Section 153.503 - Adoption of rules
- Section 153.51 - Separate contracts - single, aggregate contract
- Section 153.52 - Awarding of contracts to separate bidders
- Section 153.53 - Adjusting threshold in 15301 for inflation
- Section 153.54 - Bid guaranty to be filed with bid
- Section 153.55 - Dividing project into parts to avoid threshold prohibited; costs included in threshold amount
- Section 153.56 - Creditor shall furnish statement of amount due - service of notice of furnishing
- Section 153.57 - Form of bond
- Section 153.571 - Form of bond
- Section 153.58 - Prohibition
- Section 153.581 - Contracts for construction definitions
- Section 153.59 - Discrimination and intimidation on account of race, religion, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry
- Section 153.591 - Hiring hall contract or agreement
- Section 153.60 - Forfeiture
- Section 153.61 - Agreement for joint construction and management
- Section 153.62 - Issuing change order for additional work
- Section 153.63 - Agreement for escrow account for contractor
- Section 153.64 - Protecting underground utility facilities during construction of public improvement
- Section 153.65 - Professional design services definitions
- Section 153.66 - Submitting statement of qualifications
- Section 153.67 - Announcing contracts available for professional design or design-build services
- Section 153.68 - Instituting prequalification requirements
- Section 153.69 - Evaluating and selecting firms
- Section 153.691 - No fee estimate on contract for professional design services
- Section 153.692 - Obtaining services of criteria architect or engineer
- Section 153.693 - Evaluation of design-build firms
- Section 153.694 - Conflicts of interest
- Section 153.70 - Requiring professional liability insurance
- Section 153.71 - Administrative rules
- Section 153.72 - Authority of design-build firm
- Section 153.73 - Construction of statutes
- Section 153.80 - Reducing bond
- Section 153.81 - Indemnification by professional design firms
- Section 153.83 - Hearings related to contractor labor agreements
- Section 153.99 - Penalty