Ohio Rev. Code § 145.92
If a member participating in a PERS defined contribution plan is married at the time benefits under the plan are to commence, unless the spouse consents to another plan of payment or the spouse's consent is waived, the member's benefit under the plan shall be paid in a lesser amount payable for life and one-half of that amount continuing after death to the surviving spouse for the life of the spouse.
Consent is valid only if it is evidenced by a written document signed by the spouse and the signature is witnessed by a notary public. A plan may waive the requirement of consent if the spouse is incapacitated or cannot be located or for any other reason specified by the plan or in rules adopted by the public employees retirement board.
A plan shall waive the requirement of consent if a plan of payment that provides for payment in a specified portion of the benefit continuing after the member's death to a former spouse is required by a court order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code or laws of another state regarding division of marital property prior to the effective date of the member's retirement. If a court order requires this plan of payment, the member shall be required to annuitize the member's accumulated amounts in accordance with the order. If the member is married, the plan of payment selected by the member also shall provide for payment to the member's current spouse, unless the current spouse consents in writing to not being designated a beneficiary under the plan of payment or the current spouse's consent is waived by reason other than the court order.
Consent or waiver is effective only with regard to the spouse who is the subject of the consent or waiver.
R.C. § 145.92