Ohio Rev. Code § 135.52
In anticipation of the collection of the principal and interest of securities, or other disposition of them, as authorized by section 135.51 of the Revised Code, and of the payment of dividends in the liquidation of the depository bank, and for the purpose of providing public money immediately available for the needs of the county, municipal corporation, township, or school district, the taxing authority may issue bonds of the county, municipal corporation, township, or school district, in an amount not exceeding the moneys on deposit in the depository bank, the payment of which is secured by such securities, after crediting to such moneys the amount realized from the sale or other disposition of any other securities pledged or deposited for such moneys, or in an amount not exceeding the value or amount ultimately to be realized from such securities to be determined by valuation made under oath by two persons who are conversant with the value of the assets represented by such securities, whichever amount is the lesser, plus an amount equal to the interest accruing on such securities during one year from and after the date of default of such bank in its capacity as a depository. The maturity of such bonds shall not exceed ten years and they shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding the rate determined as provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code. Such bonds shall be the general obligations of the county, municipal corporation, township, or school district issuing them. The legislation under which such bonds are issued shall comply with Section 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution. The amount of such bonds issued or outstanding shall not be considered in ascertaining any of the limitations on the net indebtedness of such county, municipal corporation, township, or school district prescribed by law. In all other respects, the issuance, maturities, and sale of such bonds shall be subject to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code.
A sufficient amount of the moneys received from principal on the sale of such bonds to cover the interest accruing on such securities for one year, to the extent determined by the authority issuing such bonds in the resolution or ordinance of issuance under this section, shall be paid into the bond retirement fund from which the bonds are to be redeemed, together with premiums and accrued interest. The balance of such principal shall be credited to the funds to which the moneys represented by such depository balance belong, and in the respective amounts of such funds.
R.C. § 135.52