Section 61-01-26.2 - Statewide water development goalsThe legislative assembly will support to the extent funds are available from the water development trust fund the comprehensive statewide water development program developed pursuant to section 2 of chapter 587 of the 1995 Session Laws and to the state water management plan established under section 61-01-26. In order to implement the state water management plan, the legislative assembly will support the following:
1. During the 1999-2001 biennium: a. Southwest pipeline project: Six million dollars in state funds and eleven million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds, assuming Perkins County water system payment to the state water commission of four million five hundred thousand dollars.b. Northwest area water supply project: Eight million two hundred thousand dollars in local funds and fourteen million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds, with an option being considered of the state water commission bonding the local cost-share with local repayment of the total principal, interest, and cost of issuance of the bonds to the state water commission.c. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Twenty-five million five hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-nine million nine hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Grand Forks flood control: Twenty-five million dollars in local funds, twenty-five million dollars in state funds, and thirty-eight million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds. The state total cost-share of fifty-two million dollars or so much of the total cost-share that is required may be bonded, requiring a loan repayment estimated at three million nine hundred thousand dollars per year with repayment beginning in 2001.e. Devils Lake outlet to the Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Seventeen million five hundred thousand dollars in state funds and thirty-two million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds. The total state cost-share of seventeen million five hundred thousand dollars includes mitigation costs and will be bonded, requiring a local repayment estimated at one million five hundred thousand dollars per year, with the split between state and local loan repayment to be determined. Before bonds may be issued for a Devils Lake outlet, construction of the outlet must be approved by the state water commission.2. During the 2001-03 biennium: a. Water to eastern North Dakota: Seventeen million dollars in federal funds appropriated under the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986 [Pub. L. 99-294; 100 Stat. 418], Dakota Water Resources Act of 1998, or other federal Act. The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Southwest pipeline project: Five hundred thousand dollars in local funds, one million seven hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and twelve million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.c. Northwest area water supply project: Eight million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and sixteen million three hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Seventeen million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-two million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.e. Grand Forks flood control: Thirty-five million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds, twenty-seven million dollars in state funds, and sixty-two million nine hundred thousand dollars in federal funds; annual bond payments of three million nine hundred thousand dollars. Components of the Grand Forks flood control project involve water treatment plant improvements. Those federal costs are reflected in subdivision d because of potential cost-sharing using Garrison diversion municipal, rural, and industrial funds. Other projects, such as greenway, are listed under subdivision g.f. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Bond repayments of one million five hundred thousand dollars per year.g. General projects: Thirty-one million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds, twenty-five million nine hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and thirty-nine million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.3. During the 2003-05 biennium: a. Water to eastern North Dakota: Six million dollars in federal funds appropriated under the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986 [Pub. L. 99-294; 100 Stat. 418], Dakota Water Resources Act of 1998, or other federal Act. The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Southwest pipeline project: One million dollars in local funds, five million dollars in state funds, and eleven million four hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.c. Northwest area water supply project: Eleven million eight hundred thousand dollars in local funds and twenty-one million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Seventeen million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-two million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.e. Grand Forks flood control: Annual bond payments of three million nine hundred thousand dollars.f. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Bond repayments of one million five hundred thousand dollars per year.g. General projects: Twenty-four million dollars in local funds, eighteen million four hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and five million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.4. During the 2005-07 biennium:a. Water to eastern North Dakota: Eighty-four million dollars in federal funds appropriated under the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986 [Pub. L. 99-294; 100 Stat. 418], Dakota Water Resources Act of 1998, or other federal Act. The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Southwest pipeline project: One million dollars in local funds, nine million five hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and nineteen million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.c. Northwest area water supply project: Five million eight hundred thousand dollars in local funds and ten million nine hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Seventeen million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-two million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.e. Grand Forks flood control: Annual bond payments of three million nine hundred thousand dollars.f. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Bond repayments of one million five hundred thousand dollars per year.g. General projects: Twenty-four million dollars in local funds, eighteen million four hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and five million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.5. During the 2007-09 biennium: a. Water to eastern North Dakota: Fifty-nine million dollars in federal funds appropriated under the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986 [Pub. L. 99-294; 100 Stat. 418], Dakota Water Resources Act of 1998, or other federal Act. The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Northwest area water supply project: Three million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and seven million dollars in federal funds.c. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Seventeen million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-two million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Grand Forks flood control: Annual bond repayments of three million nine hundred thousand dollars.e. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Bond repayments of one million five hundred thousand dollars per year.f. General projects: Twenty-four million dollars in local funds, eighteen million four hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and five million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.6. During the 2009-11 biennium: a. Water to eastern North Dakota: Two million dollars in federal funds appropriated under the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act of 1986 [Pub. L. 99-294; 100 Stat. 418], Dakota Water Resources Act of 1998, or other federal Act. The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Northwest area water supply project: One million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and three million three hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.c. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: Seventeen million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and thirty-two million eight hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.d. Grand Forks flood control: Annual bond repayments of three million nine hundred thousand dollars.e. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: Bond repayments of one million five hundred thousand dollars per year.f. General projects: Twenty-four million dollars in local funds, eighteen million four hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and five million five hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.7. Beyond the year 2011: a. Water to eastern North Dakota: The local cost has not been determined and will be determined after project configuration is complete.b. Northwest area water supply project: Eight million seven hundred thousand dollars in local funds and sixteen million three hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.c. Other municipal, rural, and industrial projects: One hundred thirty million two hundred thousand dollars in local funds and two hundred forty-one million two hundred thousand dollars in state funds. The anticipated three hundred forty-five million dollars in federal cost-share has been used in the previous bienniums and the remaining cost-share for projects has been identified as a potential state cost-share.d. Grand Forks flood control: A total of fifty-eight million five hundred thousand dollars in bond repayments is anticipated.e. Devils Lake outlet to Sheyenne River and to west Stump Lake: A total of fifteen million dollars in bond repayments.f. General projects: Two hundred twenty million two hundred thousand dollars in local funds, one hundred fifty-six million four hundred thousand dollars in state funds, and thirty-four million three hundred thousand dollars in federal funds.