Section 61-01-26 - Declaration of state water resources policyIn view of legislative findings and determination of the ever-increasing demand and anticipated future need for water in North Dakota for every beneficial purpose and use, it is hereby declared to be the water resources policy of the state that:
1. The public health, safety, and general welfare, including without limitation, enhancement of opportunities for social and economic growth and expansion, of all of the people of the state, depend in large measure upon the optimum protection, management, and wise utilization of all of the water and related land resources of the state.2. Well-being of all of the people of the state shall be the overriding determinant in considering the best use, or combination of uses, of water and related land resources.3. Storage of the maximum water supplies shall be provided wherever and whenever deemed feasible and practicable.4. Accruing benefits from these resources can best be achieved for the people of the state through the development, execution, and periodic updating of comprehensive, coordinated, and well-balanced short-term and long-term plans and programs for the conservation and development of such resources by the departments and agencies of the state having responsibilities therefor. The plans and programs for the conservation and development of these resources may include implementation of a program to cost-share with local sponsors of water quality improvement projects.5. Adequate implementation of such plans and programs shall be provided by the state through cost-sharing and cooperative participation with the appropriate federal and state departments and agencies and political subdivisions within the limitation of budgetary requirements and administrative capabilities, including consideration of cost-sharing for water quality improvement projects.6. Required assurances of state cooperation and for meeting nonfederal repayment obligations of the state in connection with federal-assisted state projects shall be provided by the appropriate state department or agency.7. Required assurances of local cooperation and for meeting nonfederal repayment obligations of local interests in connection with federal-assisted local projects may, at the request of political subdivisions or other local interests be provided by the appropriate state department or agency, provided, if for any reason it is deemed necessary by any department or agency of the state to expend state funds in order to fulfill any obligation of a political subdivision or other local interests in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of any such project, the state shall have and may enforce a claim against the political subdivision or other local interests for such expenditures.The provisions of this section may not be construed in any manner to limit, impair, or abrogate the rights, powers, duties, or functions of any department or agency of the state having jurisdiction or responsibilities in the field of water and related land resources conservation, development, or utilization.