Section 6-05-08 - Corporate powersA corporation, when qualified as provided by section 6-05-04, may:
1. Acquire, lease, purchase, own, hold, use, improve, mortgage, sell, and convey such real estate and personal property as may be necessary for the convenient transaction of its business. It may acquire real estate by foreclosure or upon compromise or settlement of prior mortgages held by it either as absolute owner or as trustee and may dispose of the same. No part of the capital, deposits, trust funds, or property owned or held by it, in trust or otherwise, may be invested in real estate except as herein authorized, unless the investment is made under and by virtue of a particular contract, or instrument, or order, judgment, or decree of court, which confers a special power or authority so to do, and then only with, or to the extent of, the moneys or funds thereby provided and belonging to such particular trust. Such corporation is authorized to purchase notes, bonds, mortgages, and other evidences of indebtedness, and other securities, subject to the limitations imposed upon banking associations as to investments, and to convert the same into cash and other securities.2. Act as trustee under will, agreement, court order, or otherwise, and act as fiscal agent and transfer agent.3. Take, accept, and hold on deposit for savings account or for safekeeping, or in escrow, or for investment, any and all moneys, bonds, stocks, and other securities, or personal property whatsoever. When any savings deposit has been received from a minor, the repayment of the deposit to the minor or the minor's order is a complete discharge of such corporation from any further liability therefor. Whenever any officer or person, public or private, or any fiduciary, is authorized to pay into or deposit in any court any moneys, securities, or personal property whatsoever, the same instead of being deposited with or paid into court may be paid into or deposited with any corporation organized and acting under this chapter which may be designated for that purpose by the court having jurisdiction of the subject matter, or by the person owning or controlling such property. Whenever any fiduciary deposits any moneys, securities, or any personal property whatsoever, belonging to the fiduciary's trust, with any corporation qualified and acting under this chapter and takes a receipt of such corporation therefor, the fiduciary and the fiduciary's sureties thereafter are relieved from all liability therefor until the same again shall be delivered to the fiduciary by such corporation.4. Act as assignee, receiver, administrator, executor, guardian, or conservator.5. Provide by its bylaws and regulations for the payment of interest or dividends, for the investment of moneys, and conditions for repaying or withdrawing the same. It may borrow money upon the security of its own property or credit.6. Act as agent and attorney in fact in all respects as a natural person could do.7. Make, compile, and certify abstracts of title of real estate upon the conditions prescribed by the laws of this state relating to abstracters to ensure the validity and genuineness of titles to real property.8. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to approval by the state banking board, engage in any fiduciary activity in which a federally chartered financial institution that is granted fiduciary powers may engage.