Section 55-08-03.1 - Recreation grants programs - FunctionThe director may:
1. Apply for and receive federal grants-in-aid for recreation purposes. The director of the parks and recreation department may approve their allocation to political subdivisions of the state only after the director has determined that sufficient funds, including those funds necessary for adequate maintenance, are and will be available from the political subdivisions for meeting the state's share of project costs. If for any reason it is necessary for any department or agency of the state to expend state funds in order to fulfill any obligation of a political subdivision which it has agreed to perform in the construction or maintenance of such projects, the state has a claim against the subdivision for the money expended. All funds allocated to the state for recreation purposes must be distributed to the departments, agencies, or political subdivisions entitled to the funds.2. Keep financial and other records relating to the programs and furnish to appropriate officials and agencies of the United States and the state such reports and information as may be reasonably necessary to enable those officials and agencies to perform their duties under the programs.3. Undertake the development of broad recreation policies for the state as a whole and a long-range plan for their implementation.4. Initiate a continuing appraisal of the total state recreation resources, potentials, and needs and the adequacy of current efforts to meet the demands.5. Provide for the coordination and appraisal of related programs administered by all levels of government and by private enterprise.