Section 54-59-22.1 - Required use of centralized desktop support services1. The following state agencies shall obtain centralized desktop support services from the information technology department:a. Office of administrative hearings.b. Office of the governor.c. Commission on legal counsel for indigents.d. Public employees retirement system.e. North Dakota university system office.f. Department of career and technical education.g. Department of financial institutions.h. Department of veterans' affairs.i. Aeronautics commission.j. Council on the arts.k. Agriculture commissioner.l. Department of labor and human rights.m. Indian affairs commission.n. Protection and advocacy project.o. Secretary of state.p. State treasurer.q. State auditor.r. Securities department.2. The office of management and budget, after receiving advice from the information technology department, shall establish policies and guidelines for the delivery of desktop support services, including the transition from existing systems to functional consolidation, with consideration given to the creation of efficiencies, cost-savings, and improved quality of service. For purposes of this section "desktop support services" means technical assistance and device management relating to the use of personal computers and peripheral devices.